
Thanks, yes, the very first post they resteemed was one of mine. I'm not clear though on how they can help, beyond getting the posts more support and upvotes. I still don't know why the post that is the topic of my post here remains hidden, despite so many upvotes.

The hiding is based off of reputation. If someone with a higher reputation than the person that censored it does not up vote it then it remains hidden. I think I explained WHY that is on another post you and I spoke on. The reputation system was created to fight spam bots. There were a ton of them and they were all up voting each other. So in terms of quantity of votes being a determining factor that was actually how the spammers were blowing past any attempts to stop the spam. The reputation system was implemented to make it possible to fight spam. So if the post is still hidden then it generally means someone with a better reputation than those who have up voted it flagged/down voted it.

As you can see in the SteemD page for the post, there are currently 4 downvotes for the post and 51 upvotes.
The reputations of the 4 downvoters are : 31, 45, 48 and 65.

There are many upvoters higher than these, including you!
65, 75 and 72... plus more.

It doesn't appear as hidden though when I look at it now, so what are you expecting to see?

ah, I pasted the wrong link into my comment that you replied to here. I have corrected it now - so that it goes to the post on Steemd. That post is still hidden for me when I see it in my feed.

Have you tried refreshing you browser? I've seen some stuff get cached in the browser.

I checked with my @chaospoet account:

It is not showing hidden.

Ok, I don't know why but consistently I have seen that about 50% of the time I load the list, the post is hidden and about 50% of the time it isnt'. It looks like some kind of bug to me.

Could be... may be tied to the specific browser you are using, operating system, or something else.

That shows nextgencrypto and some others downvoted, and why it remained hidden at the time.

Why is it hidden and not censored though?

I'm not sure what you are particularly pointing to in the steemd link, it's a big page - where do I look to find the cause of the post being hidden? If I see downvotes that shouldn't automatically mean it is hidden, right?
I'm not sure what you mean by 'hidden and not censored'.

Its pretty clear why its hidden. Craig is a whale and has many minions.

ok, but he himself actually voted it up - so at best we can say he is running damage control and PR to mislead the community.

I think that 100% and 0.01% hold a small difference in weighting.

The same applies to weight differences between upvotes and downvotes. The problem with Steemit is that a whale powerful enough to smash through 40+ other up-votes to send it into the negative might feel inclined to shift their attention to others who use their voice in the face of perceived injustice.

Should push come to shove then I recommend a quick look through a self-defense post of mine - as there 'is' something that can hurt an errant whale.

Edit: Huh... a whale who almost exclusively relies upon curation dues. Does a lot of resteeming to improve exposure and add weight to his or her curation. This is a scenario that I had never contemplated in the anti-bullying thread - though less followers would still impact curation earnings on account of a more limited resteem outreach.

Of course, the first step is not to get into a fight in the first place - but that can be hard when one feels a responsibility to warn the community of something that appears off.

I read through your self defense post - thanks for sharing. In my own case though the large account that downvoted my post appears to have been a proxy account setup purely for that purpose and other related purposes. The account used by this individual for earning money on steemit is probably a different one - so threatening to inform his/her followers is not possible.

Hidden, as not visible but with choice over making it visible, hidden, and not censored.

The vote section shows that three people downvoted that, one of those being a whale.

Ah, I see now, yes - I didn't realise that nextgencrypto had so much SP.

I have just created an addon for steemit that mildly improves the situation with downvoted posts being hidden. ;)