No Emergency Surgery, Check! ...Cure All Mankinds Disease, What?!? - Day 5

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


As the title suggests I am at Day 5 after avoiding emergency surgery...

Very simply put, I had a bunch of fatty foods in the evening and went to bed a few days ago and woke up to a stabbing pain just under the right side of my ribs. I experienced this to a lessor degree a few times before over the last few years and the pain only lasted for a few minutes, was not as severe and dissipated easily. Not this time...

[Back story] I am 47 years of age, a touch over weight in the middle section and pretty much consider my habits normalish with the exception that I do smoke and drink alcohol every day. I have picked up a few pieces of knowledge over the years concerning health and have applied the changes accordingly. Once I get an idea in my head I usually act on it, no matter how stupid it seems to others. This has brought me ridicule from friends and family at times.

  1. I don't drink fluoridated tap water because it calcifies your Pineal gland - dumbing you down
  2. I only buy organic foods like grass fed meat, milk, etc, to reduce antibiotics, herbicide and chemical intake.
  3. I don't like to consume drink soft drinks because of the Phosphoric acid and artificial sweeteners.
  4. I don't chew "sugar free" gum because of the toxic artificial sweeteners are worse than sugar in the first place.
  5. I wear shoes as little as possible and it corrected my knee pain.
  6. I like getting in the sun to promote health, but don't use any sunscreens.
  7. I don't watch TV to get my news and information (to protect my intelligence).
  8. I stopped taking Statin pharmaceutical drugs to reduce Cholesterol anymore because it damages the Liver.
  9. I refuse to take any pharmaceutical pills as they use Fluoride to bond the active compounds and once inside my body they bond with any Magnesium in my system and gets flushed out by the body.
  10. I don't use Fluoride toothpaste because its poison. (that's why there is a poisons information label on them if swallowed).


So here I am, barely able to move without literally screaming in pain if I dared try, stuck in bed. I know, I say to myself, I will grab the laptop and research my symptoms. Now, not only was I able to conclude that I was having a Gallbladder attack, that was great and all. But, it was when I started looking into what it is exactly and more importantly what "causes" it that I came across more knowledge of other things too. A Gallbladder attack usually means you have Gall stones (Usually made of Cholesterol) and they accumulate from the fact you have a fatty Liver.

Okay then, what causes a fatty liver? The answer was diet. So my liver had accumulated this condition from quite a few things I had been consuming over the years (and I actually got small warning signs along the way - which I of course ignored). I went on to find out, anything made from White four, sugars, baked goods, alcohol, meat, chicken, fish, dairy, eggs, sweet juices or Avocado would further add to the condition that had been created. But I also needed to drink fresh Lemon/Lime juice which, unlike how you would imagine to be bitter and acidic, the reverse is true as to how it impacts the body. So I simply avoided all these things and began reversing my condition. (I still smoked all the way to be honest).

As impressed as I was that I found a non surgical solution, wading through Natural health Doctors (online) who constantly contradicted each other, I stayed as close as I could to the belief that ultimately the body has mechanisms, that when unleashed, will come to my aide. Now let's be realistic, there is not a chance in hell I am giving up drinking or a nice roast meal in the long term, but, I bounced off the limit of what my body could take and found a real way to help my body heal itself. I merely need to curb my enthusiasm surrounding the things I now know are bad for me and don't ignore the early warning signs from my body as I did.

Now I believe the biggest thing I learned was not just which foods were bad for my condition, rather how the human body is supposed to function in an alkaline state. The body is electrical (if you have ever experienced an electric shock you would intuitively know this) and we have protons and electrons running through our entire bloodstream. You don't go and buy acid batteries for your TV remote, rather you buy Alkaline batteries. Just stick with me for a moment my real discovery is coming...

When these Protons and Electrons are out of balance this causes changes in the blood and affects its ability to carry Oxygen to your vital organs (including the brain). So the body will take acidic toxins and put them somewhere safe like fatty tissue in your body. If you don't have enough, the body will store more fat, as in my case around the Abdominal area or middle section. You see where I am going with this. Therefore, the acidity from the toxins causes weight gain as the body is protecting you and could be the cause. In fact one source mentioned it's the single cause of all cellulite! That is huge to know! So an alkaline body is a natural state to be in to allow the necessary Oxygen for proper health of our vital organs and ultimately prevent an array of diseases. Some painful, some degenerative and some certainly lethal - all possibly avoidable by simply having a better pH balance than we all currently have today. Wow!

I have now heard a theory around weight loss, acidity and how they relate to exercise too. You'll remember I mentioned acidity/toxins are stored in our fatty tissue. With this information in mind, let's say you did some rigorous exercise while correcting your diet also. I would suggest it could be a waste of time because the body releases acids (Lactic acid for example) in response to that activity and your body could react by adding more fatty tissue to store the toxins away from the bloodstream. Which explains to some degree people who want to lose some weight and who really push themselves feel they should have better results, quicker and sometimes give up thinking they can't lose weight no matter what they do.

Could our body's pH balance be the key to longevity and superb health? What if a person, instead of counting calories, simply made a decision each time they were going to eat or drink something like.... Is this thing I am introducing to my body going to make me more acidic or more alkaline? Not saying this is a cure all, but it could explain why Medical Doctors often can't explain the "cause" of some symptoms in their patients. And it would explain why we have so many drugs and treatments available to treat disease/symptoms and not the root "cause" of them.

Please comment if you have had some experience similar to mine or what your thoughts are about what I came across.

As always, thank you for taking the time if you have read this far...


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