Child Porn on Twitter: How to Report to Authorities

in #steemit7 years ago

CP on Twitter: How to Report

Don't you love when you get banned from Twitter for fighting Pedophiles and taking down Child Porn, yet images and videos like this remain up with 124,000 views on Periscope for 8 days?

Please follow the instructions I provide in this video to report Child Pornography on the internet.


What? There are stuff like that on Twitter? Hopefully, those accounts get suspended immediately. Thanks for raising awareness!

There's stuff like this on every social media platform. It's horrible and requires constant vigilance to expose it and report to the authorities.

I didn't have idea ppl is doing this on twitter. Thanks for sharing. hope that ppl gets what they deserve.

This kind of stuff makes me physically ill. I hope those perverts get arrested.

My heart breaks for that little girl :( Thank you Bee for caring about her and doing what needs to be done as well as educate people on how to report CP. I thank god every day for you!

Thanks for all your hard work dear. Love you!

:( thanks for that, I share everywhere poor little