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RE: Steemit Is Shit But Still The Best Social Media Platform Outhere

in #steemit7 years ago

I know how Steemit can easily be fixed. Currently there is no moderation for the tags. I would allow for moderated tags to compete with non-moderated tags. You need both moderated tags, and absolute freedom tags. A moderator, for example, could make a rule that any posts that uses a bot for an upvote is banned (banned from being seen on that tag only). I also want tags to remain that have absolutely no moderation (other than flagging). I want to see moderated tags compete against un-moderated tags so we have the best of both worlds and people can decide which tags they will use. If this feature is implemented on Steemit, I think most of the the problems will go away.


good luck enforcing this.

Good luck moderating the moderators, or selling that idea on this platform knowing that it was literally created to make censorship impossible, and you want to create censored tags.

Good luck getting through life with those reading comprehension skills. God, I'm really getting tired of the ADHD people who can't read. I said moderated tags compete with unmoderated tags. I'm not trying to end "muh anarchy."

You're a moron:

How do you moderate the moderators, and How do you propose Selling the idea of Censorship/Moderated tags on a platform that is inherently against censorship. Assume some moderators and everything will be fine, because god knows you did mention that people still have the option of posting in OTHER tags, what a tool.

Go fuck yourself with your logistics argument. I'm telling you what needs to be done and you give me is God damned logistics. Faggot.

O you mean I posed the very first problem that would arise with positions of power, or that nobody will get behind your idiotic "censorship tags" because it goes inherently against everything this platform stands for. You're telling me that you haven't even considered your solution you dipshit, ergo you could answer clearly and suciently when questioned "who moderates the moderators", you cannot and think that somehow that equates to me not understanding what you proposed, what a tool, becaue gosh did you know you said Unmoderated tags as well. Go vote yourself you faggot.

Fuck off. You let people create their own moderated hashtags and if the moderation is good people will post their content on them and if the moderation sucks they will use a different tag. Not that complicated, but if you want to be a faggot about it then continue.

And what the fuck does that solve you idiot? besides creating numerous problems, such as TagSitting you faggot without a iota of consideration to expound, Go fucking Vote yourself some more, or did you forget to do that in your anger at the internet telling you kindly "think again"?

I'm not here to write a fucking white paper. You want to meet up so I can kick your fucking ass? I say we settle this already.

"Im telling you what to do and you are refuting my flaweless logic with one, two punch, that to me means you haven't understood what I am proposing."

Reading Comprehension Much faggot? What do you do about the moderators that need moderating? How do you sell the idea that Censorship is what the platform built inherently to combat censorship needs? Idiot.

Yeah, you're the number one Idiot, solving the problem of Moderated Tags because every idiot needs something to think over.

NM. Looks like a similar idea is already being implemented. God you look stupid now.

Im sure that your comment is worth all those shares, you facking tool.

The irony is that in the effort to make a platform that was uncensorable, what has actually happened is anyone with money has become a smashingly effective censor of anyone with less, while being uncensorable themselves.

Censorship and Curation are two different things. Calling curation censorship is a stretch.

That depends. If someone with the power to silence someone chooses to do so, then no matter what label is attached to it, I'd say that person has been censored.
Let's say John Doe Steeminan (new account) posts comment X. Well, Joe Bloe Whale (with a few million Steem Power and a reputation score in the 80's because everyone upvotes his nonsensical posts hoping to score curation rewards or tickle his ego enough to make him upvote them) reads comment X and decides he doesn't like it (for no particular reason). So Joe Bloe Whale goes on a streak of going through John Doe Steemian's posts and flagging every one of them until John Doe Steemian's rep score is well below zero, meaning his posts now never see the light of day. John Doe Steemian has neither the power to defend nor retaliate.
This platform is one of the best ideas I've seen in a while but there's a reason the logo still says "beta" on it. I hope that there will be some way to iron out these bugs in the future.

I have been flagged by whales and bots before, my reputation was never nuked but regardless of how you slice it, it's not censorship. I was free to post and comment wherever whenever I wanted. All that happened is that people were presented with an intriguing and mysterious "warning" along with a button. How is that censorship?