Unconventional- Judge Me

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Unconventional Love

Unconventional! They say with their mouths or eyes as they turn their nose up to the way my husband and I go about our marriage. They make scathing remarks and judge as if we asked for their advice. How does that work? We hear from family and friends on my husband and I’s long distance marriage. I don’t pay them any mind, because it seems as if we get lectured the most by those who don’t know how to make it work because they are on their second, third, fourth marriage, or haven’t been married at all. There are limits to people’s love; well in our case, ours extends beyond physical barriers. Some people can tolerate disrespect, infidelity, and lies. So excuse me if I’ll take distance. But for those naysayers, let me tell you how it does work.

Let’s refer back to a little scripture. 1 Corinthians 3: 8 Love never fails. Verse 7 goes on to say “It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” So if you want to know how we do it, how it works? Love.

Why are we distance?

We are both pursuing our careers to establish a legacy not only for ourselves, but our children, and our children’s children. So go ahead and judge us, but we are trying to make something of ourselves. He is a law school student and in August I will be attending medical school after I finish up my post baccalaureate program. However, we got to where we are now, because of our love for one another. When you find that person that brings out the best in you, and ignites your soul, you’re reminded of your true purpose.

Bringing out the Best In You

My husband and I remet three years ago. We had been peripheral friends from college. At the time I was working in biotech and he was working at the bank. We both had dreams of returning to school yet felt stagnant and didn’t know how to move forward. When he told me of his dreams for law school I supported him wholeheartedly and encouraged him to pursue it with all of his heart. When I decided to attend my post baccalaureate program he reassured me I was on the right path. When I was inundated with rejections this past fall from medical schools he told me not to lose hope and search for other options. He reminded me of my purpose and not to give up. That’s how it works.

In it to Win It

People don’t understand we signed up for a lifetime together. We don’t take our relationship lightly. We work at it every single day. We make sure to put God first so he can continually help us cultivate it so we can receive the blessings he has to offer. Because of our relationship I’ve been able to see the world a little differently literally and figuratively. My husband and I LOVE to travel together at whatever chance we get. But additionally when I’m looking at the world narrow-mindedly he makes me see the other side and realize that it’s not all about me. Sometimes people react the way they do, because of their own internal battles and not to take everything so personally.

So for all of y’all in relationships, near, far struggling to make it work. Don’t stop! For those of you who are being clouded by others judgement of how your relationship should be, when you should get married, have kids, by a house the list never ends. So stop listening! Listen to your heart. You know your relationship better than anyone else. It’s only you and your significant other in the relationship. If that person treats your right, brings out the best in you, and makes you incredibly happy then what else matters? Some of you are like “but you don’t understand we have this obstacle because of bills, this barrier because of a previous situation, we are still living this way or that way.” My question to you… Are you happy? If the answer is yes then that’s all you need to know and meditate your heart on.

Don’t fall in love my dear, rise in love. So rise with me steemians. Rise


These are great photos! Especially the Grand Canyon one!
Thanks for sharing, this is really sweet!

Thanks for stopping by!

Hey are you in Louisiana?
I'm currently seeking steemians that way.
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I am there periodically. I'm in school. I will be there this summer!