How STEEMIT will Help Feed An Entire Christian Church in Myanmar Christmas Dinner!
How Steemit is Actually Changing the World for the Better

Merry Christmas Myanmar
So this is going to be a long story, but a good one. A little over a week ago, @Run2Christ was given an eviction letter from the devil himself, which was going to cost 666 GBP to pay. So R2C was going to sell his video equipment to pay the bills, effectively ending his YouTube career. I and others decided this was not acceptable. So I did a little fundraiser hoping to show Steemit could save Run2C's youtube channel. Well as it happens God works in mysterious ways, and through donations the bill was paid thanks to the graciousness of R2C's supporters before the steemit payout on my post:
So with that situation paid for, the money could have just gone to @Run2Christ for his own personal use. However this dude is way too strong in Jesus Christ for that. So R2C decided to use the funds to help a friend of his from Myanmar.
You see in Myanmar as pictured above, the poverty is far more extreme than in America or the United Kingdom. In this part of the world the money we raised can literally feed an entire Church for Christmas. Run2C's friend (name withheld for personal privacy), stated his church needed about $300 GBP to get the money together to buy Christmas Dinner for everyone at the church. Well because of the high SBD price, I was able to turn the post value roughly $47 on Steemit, through Bittrex and then to Coinbase into $335.38 GBP, which is roughly $35 GBP more than what was required.
So through the power of we have provided the money needed for a Christmas dinner for an entire Christian Church in Myanmar.
Public Image of the family of Run2C's friend:
So the very children you see in this image above are the children that thanks to steemit will be having a Christmas dinner this year.
Proof of Transactions:
The above post made 19 SBD and 19 STEEM, so I kept 9 STEEM and added 9 SBD of my own (SBD is worth more fiat currency right now). Then Run2C sent me 30 STEEM and 5.7 SBD to add to the cash out. On @Bittrex I was able to turn the SBD and STEEM into .024 BTC. Then I sold the BTC at roughly 19,500 per BTC.
This gave us $464.27 USD which then I transferred to @Run2Christ on paypal, and it turned into $335.28 GBP because of the currency difference. However that should be $35 GBP more than what is required. I sent the paypal to Run2C this morning. I retracted his email address for privacy reasons, but you can ask him to confirm if you don't believe me...
So pat yourself on the back Steemit, the users did something really nice for someone they had no idea they were going to help. This Christmas an entire Church of Christians will get to celebrate and eat, and that is the best news I have heard in quite some time. Steemit is literally making the world a better place this Christmas.
Cheers everyone and have a wonderful day!
ALL SBD Earned from this Post will Be Used to Help Fund #OpSafeWinter food and clothing purchases, which I will hand deliver in MA on Film to homeless people.
Image Credit:
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This is very important not just to have pity but and to give real help .. may God bless you
Merry Christmas
Oh and, just so you know. $300 USD was the target. I used everything bar £6 of the £335. £300 was sent and £29 transfer fee. £300 GBP is $401 USD So we managed to go well over the target! Praise Jesus!
This is wonderful! Praise Jesus indeed! I'm so glad that both you and these people were provided for. Come on people, lets show Christ's love and change the world!
Awesom job
Great Job! God bless you richly for your generous heart!
Great Job
Good Man
Congratulations for being awesome! :D
Lolz thanks!
I love this. It shows that there are Good people in this world. Thanks for making me a proud Christian
My pleasure thanks for the comment!
So love too.
how many people are in the church?- that s VERY good feed in mynamar !(if it was the kids in your photo's- they will be stuffed for weeks! cool.
Idk, maybe @Run2Christ knows?
@lucylin There are many families who go there. It's rather in the middle of no where, but many travel out of the villages to attend. There is a main small number of families who stay out next to the church. I don't know the exact amount but i will be doing a video on this too which will give you closer insight to the people there.
that's very very cool, mate.
@LUCYLIN The video bro!
Good job! God bless you!
Good Job!! Good Man!!
glory to god! god is good! thanks for serving those people, brother
Good Good God
Great Idea. Hope to have more coming up. God Bless You all. We have been amazing we need more campaigns like that. To give back always feels great...
Yeah thanks so much I completely agree.
amen Praise to Him.. Just want to ask How the money transferred to paypal? is it ok from bittrex to paypal? just curios @run2christ Godbless u.
Hi Jacob you can see on the transactions above that the payment goes from Coinbase to a bank account, then he sent it through paypal, probably he even paid the bank fees himself and then sent the whole transaction. I really amazing how a like can actually turn into a good cause. We are making money out of thin air, or as those who believe in Jesus would like to hear, he made breath out of the air like in the Bible. Good work guys!
Yeah you nailed it. I also swapped 9 SBD in place of 9 STEEM of my own to get it over the mark as SBD is worth more USD than STEEM right now. Basically I added about 70 bucks to the value out of pocket.
Great work Titus I would love to do some blockchain work for non profit and aid, imagine a way to give directly to those in need, no need to pay for expensive intermediaries like banks, organizations with European salary, etc. Just direct from our pockets to those in needs, pretty much as you did.
Hallelujah! God created the universe out of nothing! And so, it is the same with this! Praise God!
Yes steemit is indeed a miracle to the world and generations to come. Wish you a joyous Christmas celebration. Merry Christmas
wonderful job
amazing job!! hee hee
Keep up the good work
Only God is the doer of greater things, may his name praised and worshipped.
What that?
tnx for upvote
Thank you for doing this for God's people. I prayed for this yesterday. God be with you as you do his will. A Merry Christmas indeed for these beautiful people.
Merry Christmas and God continue to guide and protect your family and the children
Very heartwarming, I have a ways to go, I was born again at age 46 on May 2 of this year about 2 months after investigating flat earth. For me, the Bible is super clear, its flat, immovable, sun moves over it on pillrs and has a dome over it and the stars keep time and signs--sounds right, those stars are right where they are supposed to be year after year just like it says in the Bible, keeping time. Earth is Flaat brought me to Jesus, AMAZING.
What a great way to start my day! God bless you. ☺
You are very welcome. Hope you have a great week.
hey good job very nice thing for you to do
Wow! That's a beautiful thing to do for all them! Much Love!
Inspirational story. Thank you very much!
God is GREAT!
Amen. Wonderful to hear about this!
its a best idea and also good to help them with the charity programs on steemit and i know a person who personally start this and work on this for miyaanmar people help and childs education @titusfrost
Our future children will really benefit from steemit. Let's keep spreading the steemit gospel
I've seen a lot of Myanmar news lately on Steemit (-: Peace / Upvoted

they are among the biggest communities on steemit
Hahahahaha, isn't Dat too much for Xmas?
yes. we want all steemit news.
That is so kind. You prove what steemit is made of. I'm happy to be surrounded by people like you. This is how much a big heart can do

This is what I'm talking about - giving back to those who need it most instead of the damn greed I see on Steemit. Here's an individual who is spending his hard earned money and steem rewards to feed individuals who need it most.
Maybe our whale friends can see this post and "donate" some of their "hard earned" money to a good cause instead of circle jerking and upvoting the same garbage posts. I'm sick of seeing the same individuals day in and day out receiving hundreds of dollars in rewards that feed their ego.
Props to you @titusfrost. People like you make Steemit a better place and give me hope for this platform.
the best thing you can do for another person is to show kindness and @titusfrost has shown us how to do it
this is why we need to put pressure on the developers to stick to their 2017 roadmap promises of delivering community-based pages instead of the garbage tagging system we have now. I stopped using steemit in september and just now started up to see nothing has changed. Good thing the developers at least stated their written intent to deploy community pages.
Indeed, I see a lot of potential here, even more for me who likes to write and up to know just did it in some blogs with little reach. I am just a little worried what will happen to the community once all these "Influencers" from insta get here and see they can profit a lot more. Like the phrase, "the path to hell is made of good intentions".
Awesome! May God bless you all! Resteemed
Thank you.
I wasn't planning to upvote as I had low vote power and wanted to save up. Reading this post and how meaningful it is, I decided to upvote it and resteem. Both were not planned as I have already resteemed post that I felt useful. Keep bringing meaningful post!
i was also passing by but was also touched that i decided to upvote and resteem the article
Me too. I don't understand the vote power yet but it is an example of what this platform can do so I think it deserves any power I may or may not have.
That goes to show we have a great God who does miracles through ordinary people. God inspires ordinary people to do extraordinary tasks supernaturally by inspiration and open a way where there seems to be no way. God bless those who are willing to follow and carry out the inspiration with a willing heart. The thought may be therer but without obedience, nothing is done. God still leaves the choice to us as he does not control us like a robot. @joendegz @titusfrost @run2christ