Idiots on steemit?

in #steemit8 years ago

I recently received a pointless downvote, which actually managed to fade out my post merely hours after it was posted.

This is the post:

The person who downvoted me have decent reputation, and are moderately active on steemit, yet without any noticable contributions.

I kindly asked this person to clarify, or remove, the downvote on his own blogs when i realized this guy is actively downvoting every and anything he disagrees with, whether it be other peoples posts, or comments on his own posts.

Is this really how flagging was intended to be used?

I was under the impression that flagging was a measure taken to prevent abusive behavior, not to remove any blog or post you disagree with from everyones view, not just your own.

I strongly believe that the user downvoting me is misusing the feature greatly, and that he is affecting the content of steemit in a very negative way. It also kinda provokes revenge-flagging, but ill keep calm for now.

Please give me your opinions, is it okay to self-censor your blog posts by downvoting every single comment not agreeing with you?