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RE: Weekly Steem Stats Report - February 12 - 45,899 new accounts!

in #steemit7 years ago

Hmm, seeing Trevon James on the largest "Power-ups" list is extremely disheartening, because he can do a lot of harm to people here on Steemit with that amount of power... hopefully the whales continue to keep him in check.


I guess in his last post he kind of gives a hint that he is not going to post anymore on Steemit.

However, I think that it is against Steemit culture - censorship is what Facebook is all about, not Steemit. From one side people want freedom of speech and from other they prefer censorship. I do not know the correct wording in english - Steemit community is full of hypocrisy and double standards.

Understand though, that the majority, if not all the content he promotes has scams in it, and I think the whales have all the right in the world to clean that trash up, because think about it, Trevon made millions in referral earning via BitConnect, so he can easily cheat himself to the top.

That's why they have an issue with him.

Could you argue that this is a form of censorship, yes, but it is dangerous to let people like him loose on a pay-to-win platform.

If what you say is true, then probably the police is already after him. If this is not the case, then you are abusing him with false allegations.

About scams or other content. He is very good promoter. That is a fact. This is not a bad thing. However, unfortunately most of the "projects" he is promoting seems to be scam. That, I believe, is likely to be true as well. And that is a bad thing. I totally agree with that. And probably he knows about that as well.

So, why he is doing that?

I do not know. Probably because there are a lot of people who need to get a good lesson and like to be fooled with a Get-Rich-Quick Schemes. Since there are a big demand in such schemes, then there should be a people who promote them. He choose to be one of them. Good for him? Do not know. We'll see. I hope that this lawsuit will show us who is who.

Hmm, I think I get what you are saying, but people like this should not have the ability to come over here on Steemit, and use all their ill-gotten gains they earned via referral money off the backs of a bunch of poor people who lost thousands of dollars... just my opinion.

There are a lot more people on Steemit I wish they were muted or even put in a jail. 😉 They did even worse things. But that is my opinion and until I can prove that, I keep it to myself.

For our World to be in balance and lessons learned, there needs to be both kinds of people - the ones we like and don't.

Just because he doesn't make any post rewards doesn't mean he is being censored. That's probably bitconnect profits he earned by referring users that lost a lot of money that he is powering up onto Steem now and I'd be okay with him not earning anything with it.

I think he ragequit: see "Not posting anymore.."

Ironic that he did so when he powered-up so much.

Probably trying to hide as much money as he can before his assets are frozen by the feds. Takes a long time to power down... He can deligate his steempower and earn a good passive income from his jail cell. Lol

Ha! I think he tried that with Minnow Booster, but then they kicked him out.

Lol nice