What have I learned in my first week as a noob on steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)
  • They aren’t messing when they tell you to keep your password safe.

My account is barely worth anything yet, but I’ve already had a freak out about really, truly keeping my master key safe. I mean, I’d been logging in with it! I’ve since changed my passwords and won’t be making that mistake again.

  • It has the potential to help people in hardship the world over…

Just by telling their story. From entrepreneurs embarking on new start-ups in third world countries, to LGBT people in refugee camps, just getting to tell their story uncensored on this platform can raise awareness and direct funds where it’s needed in cryptocurrency form, so it is much harder for it to be intercepted by middle men and governments who would like to keep people in poverty for their own ends.

  • It’s an economy that transcends politics.

For those whose politic leans to the right, it has the hallmarks of a deregulated free market, where healthy competition can take place and rewards go to the best content.

For those whose politic leans to the left, it represents a distribution of wealth to all who take part.

For those with anarchist leanings, the choice to use a decentralised platform is self-evident!

  • There is a concerted effort by some outside the platform… to discredit the platform.

I even noticed a comment on a youtube video where a user claims to have been posting on steemit daily for several months, but not have made a ‘red cent’… obviously this is impossible.
So, there are people willing to make s#!t up, just to dissuade others from joining. I don’t want to be too conspiratorial, but one wonders if there are factions inside the mainstream content hosting sites who realise the clock is ticking for a model that does not profit the content creator. Hmmmmmm.... :)

  • It is disruptive.

As more people realise that content is value - of course it is - and that they're getting a raw deal elsewhere in terms of having that value hoovered up by those platforms that only begrudgingly throw back some scraps if you’re willing to be advertised at all day long, they will surely migrate here. Which is good for everyone (except the mainstream platforms who profit from the mainstream paradigm).

  • It is an incredible online community, the likes of which I have not seen in my lifetime.

So many people seem willing to help. Need I say more?

  • It is immense fun to take part!

Need I say more?


Very enjoyable read and well thought out. Steemit is a fantastic resource for 3rd world countries in particular

Thank you, Huw!

Great to see a fellow Welshie on here and on the discord app. I have a feeling this might take off in Wales too. There are so many content creators and creative people in general here in the valleys, presumably still getting a raw deal on the mainstream platforms. I'm telling everyone I know about steemit, but people aren't convinced yet! Everyone assumes there must be a catch...

Brilliant! @tomeksikora I know exactly how they feel though, it took me a while to 'understand' and not ignore Steemit. It is this whole new realm where it is really hard to understand how it works and when people don't understand something then it will often be met with negativity. But hey I have been convinced, and over time more and more people will the more we tell them about it. Yes do you know about the Wales gathering @pennsif is organising?

Yes I had heard about it... I'd like to go, but it might be a bit of a mission to get there (I'm in Rhondda)