This photograph was taken behind the Faculty of Engineering in Systems of the National University Experimenta Romulo Gallegos, which in fact is a magnificent University of Venezuela. As you can see in the photo, I show the famous hills, a very important part for that city. It is very important, I would say, which is why it has a long history that I hope to tell you later. Why these stories have a very important value for all Venezuelans, but especially to those who inhabit this beautiful state. That part of its monuments are penetrated to us, because it is a pride to talk about these things ...
The perfect angle for said Fotogafia, it is an honor to take this type of photographs, since it is a perfection. These Morros have a legend without end, each person has new things to tell about them and their surroundings. As I want this beautiful place, I have little time living as such here in San Juan de los Morros, Venezuela. And really, in such a short time I have seen some very beautiful things ...