is this a bug or something inteded on Steemit platform? / Es esto un bug o algo intencionado en la plataforma Steemit?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemit community!

On my last 2 post I've faced something weird that happens after you publish, it has to do with the site showing on post preview the enumeration format you want correctly but after you click on publish then go to the post somehow the site processes wrong the enumeration format you gave then transform it to something else.

I did publish a post some minutes ago about it to show you the issue but is more tricky than I though because if you create short paragraphs (1 line extension) or enumerated sentences the site show them correctly on preview and after clicking publish button but if the paragraph are longer than 1 line then this issue appears.

The enumeration format I did pretend to use followed this: "number" + ")" for example: "1)", "2)", "3)"

It will show correctly as I said with short paragraphs like these:

  1. Short paragraph number eins
  2. Short paragraph number zwei
  3. Short paragraph number drei
  4. Short paragraph number vier
  5. Short paragraph number fünf

But if I try to do the same with long paragraphs then the site transform all enumeration to "1)" (please don't pay attention to paragraph meaning since it is extracted from my previous post which was the one I was trying to use this enumeration) as you can see here:

  1. Is it legal to use any reference of known characters in any kind of art? am I able to use a character popularity to make comissions related to it and get some benefits?

Example: I'm sure you have seen those drawings on internet in which another artist who doesn't own the rights of any popular character create a drawing of it changing it's usual clothes like using Goku...

  1. May I use a known brand on my drawing, photo, song, sculpture to get more attention without being in any copyright trouble? If I implement the name of a big company on my story, sketch, draw, paint or another business may I get in trouble?

Example: Using Burger King (a well known food franchise) inside of an anime but with a "variation" of it's name like "Burger Queen"...

  1. Why I can sing a popular song "a capela" (without the musical instruments help) but can't sing the same song "as it is" found on the album?

Example: If you have "Imagine" song of John Lennon singer in your youtube video as your musical background you will have so much trouble with copyright...

  1. Why I can't develop a game using references from other anime/manga/comic?

Example: You are searching a game to spend some of your spare time then you find a Pokemon browser game called "Pokemon: Pikachu learn to play piano"...

  1. If I take the smile of one character owned by Author "A", the dress of another character owned by Author "B", the fighting stance owned by Author "C" and add some things made by me (haircut, eyes, accesories and other minor details) to make a drawing... it belongs to me or I have to share the copyright?

Example: You want to create a hybrid between Vegeta (Dragon Ball) and Sasuke (Naruto)...

Hopefully at the time I click "publish" button on this post It will show the issue and I will not have to erase this post again because I failed to show you the issue like it happened with the short paragraphs haha. I really don't know if this is a bug or if it's intended to be this way to avoid security problems (maybe something that has to do with special characters used in programming).

I hope this can be somehow helpful on this site improvement. I will be glad to read your comments and I will much appreciate If someone let me know I'm wrong and it isn't a bug through comments section.

Hola comunidad de Steemit!

En mis últimos dos post he encontrado algo raro que sólo pasa al momento de publicar, tiene que ver con el hecho de mostrar un formato de enumeración de parrafos correctamente en la previsualización del post pero después de ser publicado la enumeración aparece errada.

Había publicado un post similar a este unos minutos antes para mostrar lo que está sucediendo pero resultó que este detalle es más engañoso o especifico de lo que pensaba porque si los parrafos son de corta extensión (por ejemplo oraciones enumeradas de 1 línea de extensión cada una) el detalle no se aprecia pero si los parrafos son de larga extensión (mayores a 1 línea) si se aprecia el cambio automático que fuerza la plataforma en la enumeración.

Desconozco si esta situación es planeada para evitar brechas en la seguridad del sitio (por el uso de carácteres especiales y demás cosas a tomar en cuenta a la hora de programar) o si realmente es un bug.

El formato de enumeración que utilicé (y trato de utilizar) es: número + ")" por ejemplo: "1)", "2)", "3)"

Este formato se muestra correctamente como lo había dicho con parrafos cortos como estos:

  1. Short paragraph number eins
  2. Short paragraph number zwei
  3. Short paragraph number drei
  4. Short paragraph number vier
  5. Short paragraph number fünf

Pero la enumeración es modificada para mostrarse cada parrafo con "1)", "1)", "1)"... en vez de "1)", "2)", "3)"... como dije sucede cuando se utilizan parrafos largos como estos (por favor no prestar atención al contenido de los parrafos ya que fueron extraídos del post en el cual se me ha presentado este inconveniente):

  1. Is it legal to use any reference of known characters in any kind of art? am I able to use a character popularity to make comissions related to it and get some benefits?

Example: I'm sure you have seen those drawings on internet in which another artist who doesn't own the rights of any popular character create a drawing of it changing it's usual clothes like using Goku...

  1. May I use a known brand on my drawing, photo, song, sculpture to get more attention without being in any copyright trouble? If I implement the name of a big company on my story, sketch, draw, paint or another business may I get in trouble?

Example: Using Burger King (a well known food franchise) inside of an anime but with a "variation" of it's name like "Burger Queen"...

  1. Why I can sing a popular song "a capela" (without the musical instruments help) but can't sing the same song "as it is" found on the album?

Example: If you have "Imagine" song of John Lennon singer in your youtube video as your musical background you will have so much trouble with copyright...

  1. Why I can't develop a game using references from other anime/manga/comic?

Example: You are searching a game to spend some of your spare time then you find a Pokemon browser game called "Pokemon: Pikachu learn to play piano"...

  1. If I take the smile of one character owned by Author "A", the dress of another character owned by Author "B", the fighting stance owned by Author "C" and add some things made by me (haircut, eyes, accesories and other minor details) to make a drawing... it belongs to me or I have to share the copyright?

Example: You want to create a hybrid between Vegeta (Dragon Ball) and Sasuke (Naruto)...

Ojalá esta vez si se muestre el error porque tuve que editar el post anterior que hablaba de derechos de autor para corregir el inconveniente y luego cuando traté de publicar mi último post intentando mostrar el problema resulta que quede mal porque al haber tipeado parrafos cortos para ejemplificar me di cuenta que con este tipo de parrafos no sucedía y tuve que borrar el post para entonces crear este contemplando otros casos xD!

Espero que esta información sea de ayuda para mejorar esta plataforma. Estaré contento de leer sus comentarios y agradeceré mucho si alguien pudiera aclararme si esto es de verdad un bug o sólo fue programado así.


I'm still new to this platform. I make 2 separate post after this one to explain it better and make it shorter. 1 for english and 1 for spanish then wanted to delete this one but it seems like steemit won't let you delete the post if someone already voted for it so please avoid this post and focus on the other two post made after this one. I apologize, I didn't want to "publish twice" the same thing.