What do you know about Russian banya?)

in #steemit9 years ago

Hello Steemers! My name is Uliana.

Do you love bath so, like russian people do it?)

The baths do not wash - there are cleared. And not only the body but the soul. This sacred ritual rids the body of harmful toxins and head - from the negative thoughts.

From all over the world

About the beneficial psychological effect of the bath for a long time people guessed. No wonder the famous Roman baths resemble palaces or temples, rather than utilitarian facilities for washing bodies. In addition to the swimming pools at different temperatures for water and massage rooms, in the ancient Baths are rooms for physical training, games and even music.Almost every nation of the world has its own variety of baths.

In the Turkish bath (hammam), the temperature is about the same as in the sauna - 70-100 degrees. Before the pair to visit a special room where you can warm up inside were treated to fragrant Turkish coffee or tea. Sex in the sauna is heated to ensure uniform temperature throughout the room. Part of the Turkish bathhouse ceremony - soap foam massage, the effect of which is not inferior to the cosmetic peeling.

Japanese baths are group and individual. The first - sento - resemble large bath, in which a few people sitting at the same time. Second - ofuro - are large wooden barrels with very hot water. The barrel has a seat that allows a person to dive into the water at the neck. Since steam Japanese like it hot, sessions fairly short, took only 5 minutes.

Finnish sauna refers to dry air baths. Its feature is the combination of high temperature (below 100 degrees) with low humidity (10 to 25%). Breathe hot dry air in the sauna, for many people it is easier than to endure high humidity Russian baths (75-100%).

Bath on our way - wet, because the air in it is mixed with steam, and heat over moderate (45-60 degrees). Due to this, the sweat evaporation occurs more slowly. Therefore, even people better prepared to spend no more than 15 minutes in the steam room.

A traditional Russian sauna - a log house with a waiting room and steam room. Bathhouse "black" construction with a hole in the roof and the addition of the heated stone hearth on which you want to pour water, succumbing to the heat. Soot and grime in a bath is deposited on the walls of the sauna and on the shelves, so you can come out darker than it was before washed. To bathe "white" need-oven stove to the chimney and chimney. But the pleasure and the benefits can be obtained by visiting the city baths.

Kind with healthy

A visit to the bath is perfectly reflected in the appearance. This procedure cleans the skin from harmful bacteria and promotes the effective renewal of the epidermis. Updated skin contains up to 70% moisture, whereas the dead skin, dead particles - only 10%. No wonder after a bath the skin soft and smooth as a baby. In addition, in the bath dilates blood vessels and, therefore, the pair of even the nature of the pale-faced man goes with a healthy and attractive glow.

But the steam room is worth visiting not only for the sake of cosmetic effect. The main purpose of bath - rid the body of toxins. Sweat glands in our body - from 2 to 5 million only 1 cm2 palm -. Of more than 370, and at the same site of the sole - over 360 sweat glands out through the skin moisture is not less than the kidney. It is estimated that a person loses in the bath from 0.5 to 1.5 liters of sweat. Bath restores the water-salt balance, improves metabolism, so regular trips to the bath - an excellent tool for dieters. During his stay in the steam room "burn" is not only the excess fat, but also cholesterol - the main provocateur of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Contrasting temperature tone the skin and strengthen blood vessels, protect against heart disease. Steam treatments nourish the tissues with oxygen, improve blood circulation, relax muscles and reduce by half the content of lactic acid, which is formed during exercise. Therefore, after intense exercise is very helpful to warm up - the next day, the muscles will not hurt.

Bath heat activates the heart, lungs, improves blood quality: it increases the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Bath in combination with massage is able to compensate for a deficiency of physical activity in sedentary occupations people. And of course, bath - unrivaled remedy for fatigue and stress.


Visit steam useful when starting a cold - a good progrevshis can prevent oncoming disease. Bath also recommended for people suffering from chronic rhinitis, bronchitis and laryngitis. Steam is required in case of problems with the joints, as well as neurological illnesses, because it is a good prevention of arthritis, radiculitis and myositis. However, at the time of acute disease, but also at a high temperature SARS Seen bath can only hurt - reinforce inflammation. Steam is contraindicated in violation of the circulatory and vascular insufficiency, with heart disease, hypertension, acute inflammatory diseases.

by the way

Prepare a bath - is not only a science but also an art. Even the choice of a broom experts can talk for hours. Linden, fir, juniper, pine, birch, oak, eucalyptus, rowanberry, nettle ... All and do not count! 

So, we really like it. Be healthy!

With great love, Uliana


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Im sure that its a good place)