announcing the creation of "The DOLPHIN COUNCIL"
NEW DOLPHIN COUNCIL, we are Merging!
The way I see it, us DOLPHINS
are at the crux of the matter as far as the newb coming in, the redfishes and the minnows. We've been thru all of this and we are firmly established. But most of us remember being a Minnow. I busted my A$$ to get that slider, once I figured out what it was and realized I needed it! 😀 😁 "Minnows", as they ALL used to be called, (15 to 4999 SP) all want to Grow, and they all want to latch onto a "whale"... Guess What, Guys! We only have
37 WHALES, out of 1.2 Million Accounts, active and dormant.
When I was screaming towards "dolphinhood", I saw an article that said my Rep level was like top 5% and my SP level was like top 1%!!! Wow, AWESOME! I always wanted to be in the upper 1% in something monetary, and not just the cool esoteric stuff 😋 But that means we have A LOT of smaller accounts. Just being a Dolphin among the Active Accounts makes one right up close to the upper 1-2% mark. So that being said, we have a responsibility to make sure this place runs correctly... One might even say a "Vested Interest" 🤩
The whales, and orcas... Many of these are the founders, and Movers & Shakers of STEEMIT. They are working on the Big Projects like SMTs, managing the Blockchain and upgrading the BETA Status of the system. What I am talking about here is this "DOLPHIN COUNCIL" will be a group that is about the business of some basic but Necessary Items.
- Member Retention. Current State: HORRIBLE!
- "Minnow" Education. Current State: Needs Improvement!
- "Minnow" Outreach. Current State: Needs Improvement!
There is plenty more we can add to this list, and I see the Dolphin Council as possibly identifying good projects, and maybe procuring DELI (delegation funding) for the best and brightest projects. Many Whales, Orcas and Dolphins have otherwise "unused" SP that could be delegated to worthy projects. But this is a long view, and the short term goals I will lest in the next section. But for now, these 3 things for a good solid starting point. MANY Dolphins (and higher) are already doing this and make excellent candidates for inclusion into the Council.
...the Start-Up...
I will list off several members that I believe are already performing the duties as listed above, and these people will just simply have to accept the invitation to join. I am concentrating on people I know, because I know the output. But once the crew starts up, we will have criteria to induct new members. I am hoping to bring in dolphins that have a track record of already helping "minnows" (remember we are using that term for all SP levels of 15 to 4999) and working in various programs, and/or starting new programs. Once the founding council is formed, the current thinking is that the newly-formed council will fill out the rules for inclusion. It is not my intent to exclude anyone, it is just that I do not know that many who fulfill these requirements. So I will now present "The List" I have compiled...
@taskmaster4450 is the originator of the "1kSP Program" which takes the sub-500 SP folks and makes them Full-Grown Minnows of 2,000,000+ vests, or 1,000 SP. His reasoning is that once Steem hits numbers that we believe can be sustained, that 1,000 SP represents "life changing" money. The figures given were $100 Steem and $100,000 account values. I know that 100 G's would change my life! I am asking TASK to join, and to recommend anyone from his 1kSP program that was at Dolphin Level and working with minnows. He likely has several more than were enrolled since I participated, that I have not met as of yet. @preparedwombat is on my list as well, he did an awesome job with @eaglespirit, she's muh Main Bird ;) Back to TaskMaster, he has perhaps the Clearest and Farthest Seeing VISION of anyone I know on Steemit. PROPS!
@poeticsnake has a discord called "the Dolphin Pod" and she is offering membership and awesome manual curation from a community account, her stuff has always been First Rate and she has a heart for the little fish. If "Snekky" will join us, I suspect she will be a cornerstone member of the council... Much Love for Snekky!
@overkillcoin was in Taskmaster's 1kSP as a Dolphin Mentor when I joined, and his protégé also graduated. He has a track record of helping minnows, we also have a common friend we have helped on the side who is not in that program. He has helped with DELI and advice, plus upvotes. He's a first-rate gentleman who I would love to see on this council.
@apolymask is a recent acquaintance, and I actually had the idea of this council forming up from talking to him and he was the first to be approached. I believe he will be on board, pending how it forms up, but I would love to see him help it come into being. Here is the "more detail" you asked for, Apoly!
@whatsup is one of my Newest Dolphin Friends, I found her at the STEEMSPEAK Discord, which is owned by @Fyrstikken. He is our Gracious Whale Host, and it's also the oldest 24/7 STEEM Chat around! But @whatsup also just ran a contest to DELI-Gate 1000 SP to no less than FOUR "future Dolphins"! I am proud to say that 2 of these are in my own Minnow Boot Camp, but that is fodder for another post, and another account ;) Thank You Whatsup, for being an Awesome Dolphin, Supporting "Future Dolphins"! You are PERFECT for the council. 😉 😊 😋
@Jaynie has many things going on in her account, always a contest for minnows or SOMETHING Going On! The "small-fry" speak highly of her, I hope she accepts this invite to join the group!
And, Last but not Least... @battleaxe should be on the Council. Permanent Fixture on Steemit, knows everyone and anyone, she will be a valuable asset with the Orca and Whale populations. She is CONSTANTLY promoting the programs that we are talking about here, with her Team Good initiative and that is now a thriving group. Doing Great Things, under the guidance of MaMaSan 😎 😍 😘
I do not pretend that I am capable of leading this council, my plan is to hold elections and have a rules committee set up once this group forms. The idea seems to good to just let it go by, so I had to kind of hurriedly get it out there. It is my hope that everyone listed joins and participates. I am hoping we will also get rules in place right away to induct new people as well, in the very near future.
Sounds like a great project my friend. But I’m not even a minnow yet.....😪
Doing PURDY Good, Silver D!
If I were you I'd do a silver Raffle and take Steem, SBD as payments and Power UP
I have done that before for my Big Bot ;)
I'm not sure what I could do to help you @underground, but I like your idea and I'm interested in helping if needed
Tried to hit you with a better UV the slider is not working right for several days :P
I have a few commitments already, I think we have enough likely participants that it will become a thing even without more response. DM me on Discord,
don't use the @
It's all good man, no worries about the UV.
And I might message you on Discord. I'm not on there though and I'm really trying to minimize the number of platforms I'm on these's starting to get out of hand and become almost too much to keep up with.
I'll definitely follow the project here and I'll upvote and re-steem the posts when I see them.
Team Good Alpaca loves this post! Nomnomnomnom!

Delegate to our project via SteemConnect:
10 SP | 20 SP | 50 SP | 100 SP | 200 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP | 5000 SP
I believe in the Magic Dolphin!
Right, Magic Porpoises too.
porpoise, dammit!
That's what he always tell Me! lol

Right, Magic Porpoises too. Twice.
I never saw this when it was posted! It seems like the ocean is so large, we missed each other!
Great Minds and all that ;)
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
this is one of the great projects in this platform. i will be one who will anticipate the success of this project since i am still a minnow and i know u know the feeling to be one. God bless
thanks for your support!
This post has received a 14.33 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @underground.
Thanks for including me in your idea. :) I think it's a good and important idea and I'm definitely potentially interested. I'm so busy with what I'm doing, but.. I want to branch out and network more with others and be a part of other communities are much as I can within reason. So I'm definitely interested, just not sure how much will be expected of me and stuff like that, but I understand you're still figuring it out and I look forward to seeing how it plays out!
Wow that's amazing! Go dolphins go! 👍
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