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RE: STEEM and SBD at $3: Grab On To Your Rockets Folks

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Here's an even better chart, MAX! Shows BTC leveling out, but I'd look for some flat spots on this down-turn, before buying. I see signs of it letting up. If it just turns up, it could drop off like it did in the chart you showed. ALWAYS use these charts on the extreme magnification to see the minute-by minute action. And use the ones on your exchanges. I am using to check the overall pulse of the markets...
OK, here's the BTC chart, last 12 hours or so...
BTC now.png

RED Arrow shows the likely "bottom" and the blue arrow on the right shows that the down-slope is more gentle than it has been, leading to the red-arrow "bottom"...
MAX: Feel free to move this chart up into the main text of the post if you want ;)


Gave it a big upvote to reward you and to stick it up on there.

Well, not exactly big, but you know.