
in #steemit8 years ago

I hear laughing, I quickly snap to. Everyone is having fun and enjoying themselves. I am sitting with my drink on the red sofa. "Common, your being a buzz kill!" says one of the guys. I didn't want to be there, maybe the thought of sex brought me here, or the free booze.

I get up and head over to the balcony, Sarah, a social inapt brunette, is staring off the balcony at some stray dogs fighting over a piece of cardboard. Sarah stares at the dogs and says, "I wonder what they are thinking right now. I mean, why would dogs fight over something useless."
I glance at the dogs fighting life or death over this piss stained cardboard. I ponder the idea for a second, "Probably just fighting over the smell, or maybe it's a territory thing." But I quickly realize I really don't care why these dogs are fighting. I start to head back into the room knowing it could only get weirder talking with her.
She turns to me and says, "aren't you curious as to why I am out here and not in the party?" I sigh, knowing I will have to discuss her issues with her.
"No, I just figured you were interested in this shit or were a DD for someone." I replied.
"Mhmm." She murmurs in a disapproving voice.
"What?" I shot back. "I just wanted some fresh air, not a fucking lecture on your problems."
"Fuck you." She says.
I turn back to go inside knowing I had just succeeded in getting out of the conversation.

Two of the people had left, there was only a couple making out in the corner. I proceed to leave.

I make my way down the stairs. "FUCK YOU" came a loud burly man from the top of the apartment. I glance up the stairs to see some feeble early 20 year old twig being pushed around by Mr. World up the stairs. I think to myself, should I help him?I keep to myself and proceed to head down the stairs.

I make my way out of the apartments. I head down the street back to my shitty apartment. I start heading down the street when I hear a door slam open, I glance back. It was that scrawny kid racing down the street. Blood covered his face. Quickly after the Mr World guy comes out of the door, blood on his fists, yells at the guy, "Fucking touch my bitch again and I will kill you." He heads back into the apartments.
The scrawny kid is racing towards me, I glance at him and said, "You alright?" Like that was anyway to makeup for not helping him.
"Oh yea, just got laid so can't complain." I smirk, kid makes a good point. He continues to run off into the street.

The street is vibrant with night life. I enjoy the evenings, makes me realize that everything is not always a grind. Makes me feel like everything is still, even if just for a moment. I stop in at a deli to pickup a late night snack. There is that kid again. "Hey." I say.
He tips his invisible hat at me as he holds a rag up to his bloody nose. The store owner comes out and starts yelling at him. "Stand up for yourself Billy! You come from strong family, we will crush this dick!" The kid sits in the corner and dismisses his father's words.
"It's fine. It's fine." He is smiling as blood is still dripping from his rag. He looks over at me, "This guy saw it, he knows how bad the other guy looks."
I do? "Oh yea, ha, he was carried out in a stretcher." I don't know why I just covered for this stranger, but I couldn't care less if I validated his meaningless story. His father laughed sarcastically and headed back to the kitchen.
I ordered a tuna club, and walk over to this kid and ask, "Mind if I sit."
"Dude, I really don't give a fuck." He replies. I sit down.

I complimented him "You got balls man."
"That is it?" I replied.
"Ha, why are you here?" He quickly replied.
"Just thought you might have an interesting story considering you just topped my craziest story in one evening."
"Dude, this is every night for me. One time I was hanging out with this one chick, didn't even know her name, and started watching a movie. Her boyfriend comes home and sees me, fucking flips. I don't know why he is freaking out, I tell him to chill and that we were just watching a movie, at least so far. He says, are you fucking kidding me? You torn apart my last relationship after my girlfriend banged you" He laughed. "So long story short he broke a few chairs over me, I broke a few chairs over him."
"Why would you do such silly things if you know the consequences of fight a hulk?"
"I don't know, got nothing better to do? Girls hate me, guys hate me, I couldn't care less." He glanced over at the waitress and winked at her. She brought me my sandwich in a to-go bag. I grab it, say thank you, and standup.
"Well if was nice meeting you." I said.
"Eh." He replied.
