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RE: 10 Ways to Fund a Steem Growth Project!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I actually find the situation here quite amusing. @jerrybanfield originally put forward an idea to create a way of funding new projects on Steem by taking some payouts from the witness pool - which I thought was a decent idea, given that the witness pool appear to me (as a witness) to arguably be set at a disproportionately high level. He was attacked then (and so was I) by people claiming he was insufficiently qualified to make such an idea into a reality and should shut up. I even got accused of being a communist just for airing support for an idea that could result in a great boost for creativity and the Steem eco-system.. It's ironic since my own creativity is something that communism would not really support (as I understand communism) and I am in no way communist.. Doubly ironic since my business, computing and engineering experience means that I see the situation in a detailed way and am usually able to comment with more depth than those who shouted at me.

Now the voices say "hey, how dare you put out money to projects that you have made from vote bots" - but I don't see many voices taking action against vote bots in general, where is the collective outrage and harsh action there? Only attacks on the one of the only bots that actually might help the eco-system? Something isn't logical and right here.

I would like to know - of all those shouting out against this 'budgets' project - what have you done to support the creativity of Steemians and their ideas that are intended to empower the steem eco-system?


Isn’t mostly given up on commenting but there are some people here who seem to really give a f___, and it makes me want to engage more.

I do see difficulty with onboarding absent us making it better, but that’s still within our reach.

People coming on right now, are still highly unlikely to stay, unless they have an earning route almost immediately, which is rare.

I was gonna leave myself, or thinking about it, then adept convinced me to stay, but then he passed a week later. As long as there is hope that we’ll be able to find and nurture the best ideas, i’m not leaving.

It's truly amazing how great the transparency system is on Steemit and how it makes the whole platform more win-win. Since it creates more real trust. And as you say people are incentivized to behave well since they have a reputation score they want to keep up! This creates way less spam and creates an overall better user experience. We have so much free time these days and taking 10 minutes to care about someone else by producing some value to them will be so rewarding for both sides! I want to see Steemit be the best company in the world when it comes to transparency and communication!

@ura-soul I love your response and wish I could upvote this comment without using the delegated voting power!

Thanks, though I'm not sure what you mean here exactly, can you explain?