CSZ STEP 3 - Mediation Resolution Contract Between We the People and Government Officials - Contract With AmericasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit5 years ago


Contract With America

This Contract, being a legally, binding agreement between the people of these United States, and __________________________, (hereinafter referred to as “Representative”), and we the People of these United States (hereinafter referred to as “Governing Body”).

(1) The purpose and intent of this agreement is as follows:

(a) for legally binding these representative to; faithfully execute the oath of office[s] of which has been entrusted upon them. To honor the Inherent, unalienable rights of all citizens, protected and guaranteed under the U.S Constitution, and Amendments thereof.

(b) to legally bind these Representatives of any political office, without respect to political belief, and without respect to any previously decided case law, which would serve as Stare Decisis in adjudicating the terms of this agreement. These terms are binding regardless their respective seats being a Federal, State or a County government elect position, or appointment.

(c) to express in terms, that the representatives who, in sound mind, sign this Contract for America, do hereby agree to take any and all disputes for breach of this agreement, through the U.S Circuit Court Appellate process. That the contractual obligations herein’, are specific and severable within any disputes arising from any breach of this agreement.

(d) to express these terms herein are in addition to, and severable of; Title 5, Section 3331 of the United States Code, and Article I, Section 5, clause 2, of the Constitution . That this agreement being given consideration under detrimental reliance (promissory estoppel). Modern court cases establish that a legislator who is subject to disciplinary proceedings has the right to due process. Therefore, any special procedures set by a legislative chamber should be built upon the basic elements of a fair disciplinary process. The terms expressed herein this agreement are Basic Elements of a Fair Disciplinary Process:

  1. Charges of alleged violations of this agreement should be filed in writing with a competent authority: local, state, federal and/or the civilian authority of We the People - the 1st branch of government and force of last resort since 1776.

  2. A confidential, preliminary investigation should take place promptly to determine whether further action is warranted. A civilian authority grand jury of the representative’s constituents from his jurisdiction shall issue an indictment with a preponderance of the evidence produced by said investigation to carry the charges forward to trial via the circuit court or a civilian authority tribunal for legally binding arbitration.

  3. The accused member should be notified of the issues under review. This individual also should be informed of his or her right to counsel and the dates, places and times of any hearings.

  4. Any hearing should be conducted to preserve decorum, restrict evidence and testimony to the written charges and uphold the right of the accused to question witnesses and to call witnesses.

  5. Within a reasonable time, a report of recommendation—either exonerating the accused or preferring specific charges—should be prepared and presented to the member and the proper authority.

  6. The full membership of the chamber should make the final determination. It may vote to accept, reject or, in some instances, amend the recommendation.

(e) to express the terms of this agreement are severable contract; which is comprised of several separate contracts such that the breach of one does not necessarily mean the breach of the remainder.

We the People, of these United States, do hereby offer this contract, having placed its faith under Appellate Jurisdiction, to be binding as an Expressed, Severable, Contract in Fact.

(2) Compensation-
I_______________________, if elected to seat in United States Senate, or House of Representatives, representing ____ District of the State of ________________, agree to uphold and enforce the United States Constitution, and Amendments thereof. The representative shall receive a Compensation (current based salary) for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.” This representative understands that Congress is responsible for adopting legislation, which must be signed by the President to become law; this determines the representative’s salary.

(3) Affirmation-
Representative hereby agrees, they shall not propose, nor vote in favor of any legislation which; whether intend or unintended, would result in an infringement upon the unalienable, inherent right[s]of legal or naturalized citizens of these United States. Representative shall not vote on legislation which Congress is not expressly granted authority, under article 1, section 8 of the U.S Constitution.

(a) Representative shall not vote for, nor propose any legislation with respect to intelligence or informational gathering, which would intentionally, or unintentionally, violate the right to individual privacy, as defined in the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

(b) Representative shall not draft, vote, nor promote any legislation which intentionally or unintentionally, violate the Fifth Amendment to the Unites States Constitution. The idea of American citizens being subject to indefinite detention, without the right to confront their accuser, while also being denied due process is nothing short of tyranny; “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury… nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”.

(c) Representative shall not vote on any legislation which would grant a (any) Federal Agency the explicit authority the create legislation. All legislative matters regarding a Federal Agency, National Security, Intelligence gathering, Land Management, must be drafted as a Bill or Act, by way of Congressional Legislators.

(d) In the event an appointed member, of which, you as a representative, appoint to a committee, subcommittee, council or independent council; whereas the individual appointed member fails to adhere to the Constitution, Its provisions as stated in Article 1, Section 8, or Amendments to the U.S Constitution - the resulting laws or regulations which are result of that committee. must be reviewed by the appointed representative.

(e) Representative elected or appointed to any office, before proceeding to exercise the authority, or discharge the duties thereof, shall make oath or affirmation that he will support the Constitution of the United States, and of the Constitution of their respective State, and that he or she will faithfully discharge the duties as required in accordance to his, or her respective seat. Failure to remain within the legal confines, restrictions or limitations set forth of either Federal or State constitutions, will be considered a breach of this agreement.
It shall be the appointing representative's responsibility to review, and or withdraw, any and all unconstitutional regulations, provision or laws which result of the committee, subcommittee, council or independent council. Failure to review any provisions for its constitutional adherence, and or failure to withdraw any unconstitutional laws or regulations will be considered a breech of this agreement.

“I, _________________________, will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God”.

(4) Breach of Contract-

(a) In the event the representative, who by way of election, or appointment, who breach this agreement, whether wholly or severably, by mere action alone, whether intended or unattended, forfeit their seat in office, respectively. In the event any breach of this agreement; wholly or severably, representative agrees to expulsion, as defined and enacted under the Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

(b) In accordance with The Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) which established direct election of senators, as well as a means of filling vacant Representative and or Senate seats: specifically by empowering the governor to appoint a replacement to complete the term or to hold office until a special election can take place. If a breach of this agreement occurs, expulsion, as defined Under Article I, Section 5, clause 2, of the Constitution may be enacted by the Senate, or from the House of Representatives (if a Representative) upon a formal vote on a resolution agreed. The resolution or measures taken by the Senate or House of Representatives are separate, and in addition to, the terms expressed in this agreement.

(c) Upon expulsion for a breach of this agreement; Representative agrees to vacate their seat in office. All court costs, proceeding, hearings or legal fees associated with a breach of this agreement, Representative agrees those costs will not be provided through the judiciary; all court costs and expenses associated with this agreement, and or a breach thereof, will be solely at the expense of the Representative unless it is found through court proceeding the representative did not breach this agreement. In the event the representative is found to have not committed a breach of this agreement, the complainant which filed the complaint is liable for all associated court costs. legal fees and court filings associated with the complaint filed, for breach of this agreement.

(d) Representative hereby agrees; upon any breach of this agreement, representative agrees to forfeit the right to hold, seek election of, or by way of appointment, any governing or political office, and or office within a federal agency, indefinitely.

(e) Representative understand that Congress is responsible for adopting legislation which must be signed by the President to become law; that per Article 1, Section 7 of the U.S Constitution, “all Bills for raising revenues shall originate in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills. The House is responsible for passing an annual budget; representative’s salary is contingent upon the individual[s] faithful execution of all duties as prescribed in Article 1, Section 7 of the U.S Constitution.

To govern with the consent of the people means that government has the authority to govern, as so long as it draft such policies which protect the unalienable, inherent right of all citizens; a government ‘of the people, for the people’ willingly accept a responsibility to draft only such legislation of which it is given authority, described and enumerated in Article 1, Section 8, of the United States Constitution. The limitation of federal powers is a means in which to protect the health and welfare of a free society.

In the event a Representative no longer represents, nor honors its constitutional provision[s]; if he or she grants itself authorities, which are not expressly given under the enumerated powers, and or, governs without the consent of our citizens, the privilege to govern is to be revoked. This contractual agreement in of itself is a right to revocation. It is a legal means in which to hold Representatives accountable, with respect to governing for, and with the consent of these United States.

Representative (Print Name): __________________

Appointed or Elected Seat: __________________
Date: __________________


Witness (1)________________________________ (Print Full Name; Address)

Witness (2)________________________________ (Print Full Name; Address)