[Help Needed] Desperately need descent vehicle so I can work!

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this. I am a 45 year old single male with no kids. In my Teens and Twenties I had numerous accidents that virtually destroyed my spine and knees. In fact, I was told by numerous doctors on different occasions that I would never walk again. I fought through the injuries and pain and continued to work (hard) until about 2 months ago.
Even through the injuries and illnesses (which I will list below) I managed to serve my country in the United States Navy during Desert Storm (they never found out) and I have driven an 18 wheeler for the last 14 years. However, I am no longer able to work like I have my entire life (been on my own since I was 14). I have spent my life helping others when ever I could and now I am in need of some help.
My Health Issues:
* I am missing 7 vertebrae in my spine (some to injury some to the bones rotting away) - as of last time I had spine scanned a few years ago
* I have 5 herniated disks - as of last time I had spine scanned a few years ago
* I have no ligament to speak of in either knee
* I have Degenerative Disk Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis
* I have Neuropathy - likely caused by all the injuries and nerve damage I have suffered
* I have some form of neurological disorder that makes it virtually impossible to sleep or even breathe normally - oxygen doesn't make it into blood like it should or my brain doesn't know it is one - haven't been able to see enough doctors to figure it out completely
* I have had multiple heart attacks - fortunately I have a naturally enlarged heart that prevented any permanent damage
* In my twenties a "black mass" was found behind my right eye (in the front of my brain) which I have since learned was likely the onset of Multiple Sclerosis - I am almost certain it has gotten worse as the headaches are non-stop now and other symptoms of MS come and go with varying severity
As you can tell from my health issues there is not a whole lot I am physically able to do. For this reason I have taken to writing and photography as they are low-stress and I am earning (barely) enough to survive. I have been living in my old 1996 Ford E150 Conversion van until a week ago when someone on Steemit donated enough money for me to Rent a Room for a month here in Layton, UT. Sadly my van is on it's last legs so I am unable to drive it and do any photography.

My Van's Issues:
* The front end is completely worn out
* The power steering leaks
* The air conditioning doesn't work
* The brakes are complete garbage (rarely work more than about 10-20%
* The transmission leaks
* The rear end leaks
* Four mismatched tires
* All four rims leak air
* The only door that works properly is the Driver's Side Front Door
* It is too old to use for work!
I am hoping that someone can help me get a descent vehicle so that I can go back to work. I hate to ask for help and I refuse (at least as long as I have any options) to get on Government Assistance Programs like Welfare, Food Stamps or Medicaid. I want to drive for Uber/Lyft and support myself, as I always have but I need a little help to do it.
I am not asking for a FREEBIE or HANDOUT, just a HAND UP!
All I really need is a 2002 or newer (for Uber) Four Door vehicle in good to excellent condition. To maximize my work potential, a vehicle that is All Wheel Drive and has a luggage/ski rack on the roof would be amazing. I will also need a little help to Switch My Driver License to Utah (currently have Alabama License) and to get Full Coverage Insurance.
As I said before I am not asking for a FREEBIE or HANDOUT, just a HAND UP!
I will go to work as soon as I can and REPAY whatever I owe for the HELP at 50% of my weekly earnings (after fuel) until all of what is owed is re-payed. I will work 10-15 hours a day 7 days a week until I get you repaid for your kindness and help.
How I can pay 50% of earnings:
* My rent is only $350 a month
* My cellphone is $100 a month
* My storage units (one here, one in Alabama) are $130 a month
That is $580 a month in bills, or about $135 a week. Add in Food, Cigarettes and Gas and I only need about $200 a week to live on (barely). I make that now from my Writing/Photography so all monies earned from Uber/Lyft are extra income to help me get back on my feet, but not needed to Survive.
In fact the only reason I am asking for help is because I don't make enough from Writing/Photography for anything other than to just barely survive. There is no extra money to save and get a descent vehicle myself.
If you want to know more about me, you can read my blog at https://steemit.com/@venuspcs or find me on Steemit.Chat.
Update #1
Landlord was off work today and loaned me $100 (until Monday) and then took me to get my Utah Driver License and too me to lunch at Simply Sushi (Salt Lake City, UT) - Man I love Sushi, especially all you can eat sushi! Now I just need a car and full coverage insurance and I can get back to work.

Coming Soon! Steem Market online store for Steemians to sell their Merchandise, Photographs and Digital Goods!

[Crowdfunding] Steemit Homeless Ambassador RV
needs your help, donations have been slow coming so everyone please Upvote/Resteem/Share this post. If you can donate via Steemit or GoFundMe please check the post for more information.
needs your help, donations have been slow coming so everyone please Upvote/Resteem/Share this post. If you can donate via Steemit or GoFundMe please check the post for more information.

If you are a traveler, homeless, vagabonding, couchsurfing or just have the spirit of a Nomad then join us over at #teemnomad on PAL Discord here: https://discord.gg/SgJfQkH
"Freedom is living, living isn't freedom!" - by Richard Colbert (aka @venuspcs)

I am a proud supporter of minnowsupportproject (aka minnowsupport), if you haven't already joined check them out over on their Discord Channel by clicking below:

Keep fighting the fight brother!!
upvoted ...let
s hope nice people are around. Need some nice people upvoting on mine too. All money will go to my daughters account. She will get it in 18 years ... let
s hope 18 years collecting money this way will make her a little happy ;)Resteemed sir @venuspcs
Blessings and best of luck to you from Spain.
Upvoted, resteemed, and a whole lotta well wishes to you, sir!
These people love you :) You just keep up the good work...I am not worth much but will upvote whatever you post til you get on your feet! <3
Thanks a million!
Yup...Im on It Like A Hobo On A Ham Sandwich...!!
This post has received a 7.69 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @buildawhale.
Upvoted and resteeemed venus. Hope you can make it.
Good luck!