RE: Fishing for @berniesanders accounts! Found 60 of them. Pray for him. Pray those demons out!
"Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose."
This is where law begins at end. Beyond this law has no purpose. This is also a non-negotiable absolute axiom contrary to what the commies say.(
I'm going to defend myself against your punch before it lands.
This is Justice. Justice is more or less pointless after the damage has been done. Prevention is better than cure. Any form of aggression that is used against a First breach of NAP (A crime) that doesn't far significantly exceed the original aggression is a non-crime though it's a sin. My definition includes First Degree Murder.
Take it easy on us commies,...
All quotes from Henry Hazlitt.
Anarchy and Communism are two opposites like the 2 poles of a magnet. Mixing them is an oxymoron.
Um, the og anarchists called themselves communists, tyvm.
But you would have known that if your history class had been of a different type, ie, not one controlled by folks that wanted to control you through your ignorance.
Me, too, except that i broke free and read the histories on my own.
I fought long and hard to remain crapitalust, but this novel finally showed me crapitalism's last lie that controlled me.
You have to decide for you.
Source: Wikipedia
Basically it's plain old communism minus state (How is that possible??? Not properly explained.)
These 2 only have elimination of state as common ground. They both got their name "Anarchy" because they both advocated the elimination of state. How communism("From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".) is going to function without a state is simply incomprehensible to me.
Dubai went from a plot of sand to having indoor rain forests/surfing/skiing and artificial islands in less than 3 generations and Singapore went from a ghetto to twice the GDP per capita of USSA and became one of the most expensive cities on Earth to live on by following a fraction of the principles of free market capitalism.
On the other hand commies have Hitler, Stalin and the only Fat man In North Korea.
Ok, what we got here is you using a later definition of communism.
When Marx split with Bakunin at the first international he also split from Proudhon, who is the og.
The banks backed marx and he is in the history books allowed to the masses, while Bakunin is not.
It is a clue.
Imagine, the statists and banksters teaming up to spread fake news, who would've thought?
Think what we would be like in a cooperative world where we all worked for the same goal, better lives, rather than who can score the highest score at the lowest cost.
No, I'd rather have
That's how all the technological progress happened. That's how a smartphone is more powerful than the best gaming rig from just 10 years ago.
Bound to happen. My mind would be blown if this doesn't happen.
That's collective over individual. I don't know which circle of hell is that. But it's certainly hell for me. A person has the right to swing his stick in any way he/she likes as long as it stops before the other person's nose.
As long as NAP isn't breached, nobody has the right to tell what the other person should do. Everyone working for the same goal can only be achieved through telling people what do do.
Control over my existence is sacrosanct and a world that treats collective>individual is the worst for hell.
You really should read them links,...
I did read about 2 of them and maybe I'll check others out later. But that'll be out of curiosity as I haven't found a single thing that could change my mind.
I like that, a lot. Thanks!