Sharing some of my steemit wisdom after 228 Days and 1000 followers: A collection of tips, useful sites, Apps built on STEEM and how to get noticed and gain followers
After reaching 1000 followers, I thought of making a post to share a bit of my wisdom I gained on the platform to help the newbies. I honestly didn't think much about myself. I mean my vote is only worth few dozen cents while some have votes that worth over 500 times of mine. But it turns out that only few whales exist. So first let's start with basics.
The above link is where you first land when you sign up. It took me about 5 days to get my account. After getting my account, I spent some time exploring the welcome link. I read more than half of before doing a single thing on the blockchain. (A part of what skipped were the blockchain basics which I already knew very well) Unlike the plug and play vanity social media, STEEM blockchain has a higher standard for everything. That's the reason we have become the greatest massive online community on Earth. Standards!!! They matter.
Even as a quick learner some of the stuff did came across as little daunting. It's like playing an MMO for the first time. Just stick around and try to remember at least few of the stuff. Some time later, you'd be a natural.
This site has got everything. Just check out your name or anyone's and you'd be able to see everything that's going on in great detail. The only complain I have is that it's not something for a quick overview on what's happening. It's the super advanced mode that takes few seconds to load.
This one shows the raw data of the STEEM blockchain. Every 3 seconds, a new block is created. Everything related to a specific account is shown on the site. It's your "piece" of the STEEM blockchain. You can instantly load up the page and see your bandwidth usage, voting power and many important data.
Do you need some well analyzed set of info on the blockchain? This is your place. It shows most of the things happening in the back end in easy to understand ways. Spending some time here would naturally help you to figure things out about the blockchain. Here is an example

If you are wondering about VESTS, they are what's called SP on the front end. SP is basically the value of your VESTS in STEEM. 75% of block reward goes to Authors and Curators. 10% goes for block producers (equivalent of Bitcoin Miners) and 15% goes to those who are holding VESTS.
This is where you can keep track of your pending payouts. It's all in one place. It's also got a bunch of additional features like the rewards calculator.
This is the definition of a simple nifty tool. It's the best way to find any post on the blockchain by any user and you can simply copy-paste the link when you are posting on steemit. Just use it and you'll see why it's nifty.
STEEM is Free to Play
Wait for 5 days and you get an account with 0.5 STEEM on it. If you use you can get yourself an account almost immediately and anonymously. They have very low and reasonable prices.
Why do you charge for accounts? Aren't they free?
No. they aren't free at all. pays your STEEM creation fee out of their own pocket, in exchange for your phone number, email address, and social media such as reddit/facebook.
We let you pay that fee upfront to us, in-exchange for perfect privacy. We don't ask for any details.
Everything on STEEM is governed by VESTS (SP). When you get rewarded for your posts, what's really happening is people using their influence to allocate the newly minted STEEM and SBD (which is a debt instrument crytptocurrency which is the first of its kind to my knowledge)
The best way to describe STEEM is a company that exclusively serve the needs of its shareholders. If you want to have more influence, you need to pay up and power up (Back end reads this as exchanging STEEM for VESTS). If you are an aspiring writer with a tiny budget, here is my advice for you.
Step 1
Make valuable, insightful quotes on posts/comments of other people who have similar opinions/ tastes/ style/ content and earn some followers. Get a good feel of the platform. You need to know your audience first before publishing anything (unless you are going dear diary on steemit). Find out where your content fits. There are many platforms built on STEEM blockchain. - Youtube on blockchain - Twitter made better (but little clunky at the moment) - Live streaming on blockchain - 9GAG made better on blockchain - Exactly what it sounds like - Instagram with real photography reigning over selfies - Start your own community forum and get payed for engagement - Alternative to
Step 2
Make some quality posts. Pick your platform and get ready to pay. If you know anything about F2P, that is grinding is hard. Whales can be greatly helpful. But there are only few of them and some of them can act like real jerks. Some don't even post and the rest only has so much time in the world. So get yourself some SBD. 5 is a good number. Make your post and wait 30 minutes. Don't use bid bots.
Bid bots won't make you a profit. Pick an instant upvote bot that is always profitable. You have which has become little messy these days and then you have smartsteem which has a better UX. You'll have to get whitelisted to get the higher value upvotes. Here is my referral link:
Why 30 mins?
2 factors affect your position in trending. That is the pending payout and the post age. Instant upvote bots calculate the potential curation and as the curation reward for posts younger than 30 mins is lower, they vote with a lower value. That's why you need to wait 30 mins.
Step 3
Engage with your audience but be selective. Focus your efforts on those who are contributing to the discussion. Don't bother with random comments. Sometimes a simple upvote to show appreciation is sufficient. Allocate your time intelligently and type your stuff into the blockchain intelligently.What you typed is permanent. All your editing history can be viewed. It's all on the blockchain.
As for where I got stats like that I have the 4626th highest value vote on the platform:
Thanks for everyone for coming to wish me happy 1000: @arthuradamson @cryptocatz @d-zero @freeforever @funbobby51 @melip and the jackass who spammed my Zap + every well wisher after the publishing of this post :-)
Happy steeming!
Edit: You can also go to and enter your account name after = to see some nice raw data. Thanks for @dedicatedguy for the tip.
I am not that far behind you in days since I first signed up on steemit, but I definitely feel you know more than me. lol is new to me. So is smartsteem. minnowbooster is too crowded right now so might try out smartsteem. thanks and congrats on the success.
It's a real pain to get a minnowbooster upvote. They have even put a bunch of limits and it still isn't working. So far smartsteem has been giving me good results. I'm very satisfied with the service for the time being. Hope it won't get crowded too soon.
First off,
I happened to have stumbled into a seemingly hidden pocket of Steemit, in the midst of your feed, I found your handle posted on as the highest paid author listed for Zappl. Being the goal-oriented progressive I am, I took a closer look.
I started on Steemit about 3 months ago, invited by an ally that brought me into cryptocurrency, hinted me to this emerging social network that pays content creators (read: artists) real money for producing and sharing original content online. (*That last bit has turned into both a personal testimony and revelation I often share elsewhere on those other legacy sites...)
I cannot tell you just how much Steemit has made an effect on my business plan and approach to connecting to potential collectors, effectively curators themselves, and other artists through Steemit, every day I feel another page in this wonderful, colorful book I'd dispel about the future of communication.
The more I read posts like this, I recall my first few posts, where I bled out so much content without a framework, to remark on your comment: this is all on the blockchain and is an essentially permanent record. I guess many regard evidential content like geotagged photos and encoded video files enough incrimination for or against them, it is common practice to a healthy distrust using Facebook and Google, but millions still do.
Happy now I've found this thread, this post definately gold-star information for relatively new users unfamiliar with cryptocurrency, blogging, or the STEEM blockchain, so its greatly appreciated that you could share this. Thanks!
Time is Art. In Life, all we have is Time. Why not make Art all the Time?
I am a proud @earthnation Steemit Guild Community member!
Thanks to their loyal support, I am able to create a passive income stream that funds my creative output and delivers this original content directly to YOU.
Thanks a lot for your massive comment. As for the privacy risks, you might find some scary and interesting stuff here: The trail of Facebook patents leading to its Atlas Shrugged-esque End! The new Tech will be eating some profit margins
I don't even think I covered them all in my post.
You'll be even happier when SMTs release and make the price of STEEM really skyrocket. We could easily see $40 STEEM this year. I'm 99.99999999999999999999999% sure of that.
I find this post to be very informative for newbies. A simple google search allowed me to find the majority of these sites plus more. I wish this post would have been created weeks ago lol.
I would have felt really glad to come across this kind of info as soon as I arrived on steemit. That's why I decided to write this post.
Happy steeming :-)
This post was excellent!!
So much information and great tips :-)
Thank you for sharing this and I will check out some of the other platforms you mention, especially steepshot.
Congrats on your 1000 and I am sure it will be more very soon.
Take Care
Thank you!
I think you should add this option on steemd because it is not well known.
In there you can see a lot of raw data about the profile. Very cool too, although as I said, it is an ugly looking page haha, but the info is useful.
Magnificent article. I found 2 great services for myself, which I'm going to use. Thank you for that. In occasion of voting after 30 minutes I will argue a little with you. When a post picks up more than $ 3 in the first 30 minutes, it gets into hot articles. In this way there is a greater chance to attract attention to yourself.
That's a great way too. 1.5-2SBD upvote right after posting and a bigger upvote after 30 mins is the best way to go IMO. I prefer the trending page and I normally ladder in my upvotes. Basically I buy more votes as the days go by to stay up in the trending list. For an example this post is ranked 15 in #howto trending. It'll fall below 25 in 2 days or less and that would suck. So I'll buy some more votes and get it back to top 10. That's the strategy I'm using. For someone with less SBD, your way could actually work better. Thanks for sharing :-)
I congratulate you on your excellent results and wish you continued success! Thank you for the experience, I think for many novice it will be useful. And Yes, thank you for the service for the analysis, I'll take it on note
Happy to help :-)
Congratz on 1000! This is a great post for a one stop shop of what you need to get started on steemit
I have too high standards for a one stop shop. But I think it's a decent collection.
Congratulations on such achievements! I hope your advice will be useful and help beginners.
Thank you!
This pun :DD
Gratz on 1000, you were one of the first people that I followed on steemit!
Wow! That's great to hear. Thanks :-)