My love (poem)

in #steemitlast year

My love, like the ocean’s current flow,
Ebb and tide, it comes and it goes,
Yet never fades, nor shall it wane,
Its course set firm, forever to remain.

Your eyes, they sparkle like the stars above,
Your smile, a beacon of hope and love,
Your touch, a soothing balm to my soul,
My love for you, an unbreakable whole.

Through storm and thunder, you are my calm,
Your gentle touch, a soothing balm,
And though the winds may howl and rage,
With you by my side, I’ll brave any stage.

So here’s to my love, the one I cherish,
Each moment shared, a memory to nourish,
My heart beats with each breath you take,
And forevermore, my love, I shall not forsake.