If You Could Add One Feature To Steemit, What Would It Be?

in #steemit7 years ago

Steemit is a magical place full of awesome, intelligent and ambitious people. It is hard to remember that it is still in beta and we are just at the beginning. There are so many things about Steemit that make it awesome, but if you could improve one thing... what would it be?

To get the ball rolling, I'll throw my suggestion into the pot.


For me, I would like to see an extra tab that is called "mentions" located after "replies" and before "rewards" on the navigation bar on a blog.

The "Mentions" tab would list all the times that somebody mentioned my user name. Example @Walkingkeys

They would be listed with the most recent at top like in the "comments" and "replies". 


There are some people who have mentioned me in a post or shared my content and I didn't even know. I found it accidentally. I think by having a "mentions" tab it would be easy to see who is talking about you or two you on posts that you have not engaged with yet. 

It will also make it easier to run contests and do things like #steemwars. It has a lot of practical applications for navigating content director or inspired by users. 

So it is your turn... tell me what you would add to Steemit?

(all gifs from www.giphy.com)

Just to be clear, if you comment here it doesn't mean the idea will be implemented. I do not work for Steemit or have any power to push ideas through. I am just trying to start a meaningful discussion. 

Than you for reading and please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. To all my followers, I wake up in the morning thinking about how am I going to make your day better because you make mine awesome!!! You all rock.


I would defintely add a delete or kind of a delete function. Ok, even if it is stored forever in the blockchain, there should be a possibility to delete/hide things or accounts at least from the frontend. Just my opinion.
I think it could be a main challenge in future for steemit, because of f.e. privacy law. Not all like everything exposed forever on the frontend. I think not all are aware of this fact right now.

A mentions tab would be awesome and I wish we had the active tab again.

There used to be a tab next to the trending tab that would bring your post back to the top of that feed every time someone commented on your post. So posts that we getting a lot of comments would have a better chance of being seen again before getting buried in the feed. They took that away without any real community discussion about it. I miss that feature and when it went away by posts lost some traction. That was a while ago and I have recovered from it.

That is interesting. I had had no idea about the active tab. Something like that would be pretty awesome. They will have to figure out easier ways to navigate content if the site is really going to grow, I think. Something like that would be cool. I'm glad you recovered and it means if they bring it back, you could really jump up. lol I appreciate all your support on my posts. I really do. Thank you

Screen Shot 2017-07-07 at 1.23.11 PM.png

It would promote people to re-steem post if there was a (my post) with only the things that are posted.
The End

The graphic is awesome. Lol. Nice work. I agree 100% I really appreciate you as a follower. I hope that is obvious.

A delete option even with some upvotes or comments would be cool along with scheduling post on browser.
Reason : i reposted my previous post by mistake and can't delete one of post .

Delete is an interesting thing with the blockchain, because it will always be there. There is no real deleting. You can go back and edit the title, picture and content to make a new post, but I see the challenge. As long as it can't be abused like it is on Facebook. Where you discuss something for 10 minutes and they lose and then delete it. lol I appreciate your feedback and you picked up a new follower.

Hmm i didn't knew about that . Thanks ,i'm going to try it out .

I published a "test post" that did not work out very well. Nothing bad but still I'd like to delete it from my "permanent record" so to speak. :=)

Thanks for replying. You got a new follower. I've made mistakes like that too, but because of the blockchain we can't permanently delete anything. If my understanding is correct. We can edit it and make it not visible to anyone except those looking at the BC. It makes tis an interesting discussion for sure. Thanks for bringing it up.

Following you as well. Looks like you are into some very interesting topics. Peace :-)

A "schedule" option for posting. The esteem app has it but not the site itself on the browser... and to be honest, I prefer using Steemit from my browser...

I agree, I like it on my browser too. There is no way I will ever enter my Steemit password on my phone or any crypto password or anything valuable. The schedule option would be nice. I do like posting when I'm so I can reply, but could be a great addition. Thank you so much for replying. You got a new follower.

A block option. I do a lot of anti-racism stuff and I don't want to have to deal with people who's sole purpose for commenting is to spread ugly misinformation and hatred. I'm not talking about respectful people with serious concerns and questions and a desire to seek truth. I'm talking about ugly racists who will not accept facts no matter what you say. Trolls. I have been reluctant to go down that avenue since I started to get trolls on earlier posts. I know from my time on facebook in the deep underground core of activism, not meme BS, but the real stuff, you can be overwhelmed. Racists are likely to be bullies and rely on the mob mentality because what they have to say is usually worthless. I've had death threats from white supremacists in the past and have spoken to our country's Attorney General about these groups and their terrorist tactics. And I don't want to be a sitting duck on here. I have better things to do than correct racist BS all day. I work with asylum seekers around the world and I don't want to get them into Steemit, which could actually be a lifesaver if they can gain some financial success, until there is some ways to protect yourself on here. I know it is being worked on, but I just wanted to get it out there.

First of all thank you for what you are doing. In your case a block option seems very needed. Your case for it is very compelling. I really appreciate you taking the time to share your story with me and for the work you do. Very impressive.
Thank you for replying.

You are so nice, but not saccharine nice, just a decent human being. I'm so pleased to have made contact with you.

I haven't followed the issue closely, so these may be in the works, but I'd like to see:

  1. Ability to follow tags (kind of like Reddit)
  2. Ability to search tags and people (the app has this, the website doesn't right?)
  3. Better editing options (see Medium)
  4. I second @sc-steemit on toggling resteems in post lists. This seems similar to being able to look at tweets or tweets and replies on Twitter.

All good ideas. Of the three I like the ability to search tags and people. It would make finding some people a lot easier. There are a few people I want to follow but I spell their names wrong and can't find them sometimes. That would make it easier. Thanks for the great ideas and I appreciate you reading and replying. Thank you!

I was going to say (Ability to search tags and people) too...

I'd like to see the ability to message followers without having to send them Steem. A Private Message feature would be cool, so long as people did not abuse it.

I've gone back and forth on the private message. One of the issues is the blockchain being 100% public. No information can really be hidden. That is cool. People use chat and discord to discuss offline or private facebook groups. I agree that it would be really helpful, but I'm not totally sure I want it. Great discussion. Not saying what I want matters to anyone else, but I am torn on the ability to PM. Thank you so much for replying. You got a new follower.

Makes sense. The blockchain opens up many doors, but does have it's limits. :-)

We can pm people on Steemit chat and on Discord. That is where the real action is.

I've checked out Steemit chat and set my account up. Now need to look into discord. Was not familiar with these platforms. Thanks for the heads up!

That is one option I would love to see as well, perhaps one for messages as well..Resteemit to see what others might think about!

Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Messaging is tough with the public blockchain, but one of those features we kind of expect. It will be interesting to see how the site grows with so many great ideas floating around. Thanks for your support!

Mention is a great idea.

I would like to see the option to toggle resteems on and off. Sometimes I try to find a post by someone and they resteemed a ton of posts during the past months and it can be really hard to find what you where looking for.

Someone made a plugin for Chrome for it, but I don't use Chrome and would rather have it in the code :)

ohhh, the toggle for resteems is a good idea. It makes me not want to resteem too often because I drowns out my content, so that feature would be great. Great idea. Me on the other hand, I don't want the code because I wouldn't know what to do with it if I had it. lol

Thanks for your support on my posts, man. It means a lot!

Me on the other hand, I don't want the code because I wouldn't know what to do with it if I had it. lol

I ment as native on the steemit.com page :)

You're welcome, you post great content mate.

Yes, I would like an option to turn off everyone's Resteems from my Home Page.