
Its happening a lot a the mo. If it says it it still normally posts. I'd open a new tab and check the blog page see if its posted :)

Thanks for your comment. I ended up figuring that out on accident when I was uploading my intro to Steemit yesterday. I tried many times to get it to post. I came back later 4 hours later and tried one more time thinking the system may be having trouble and that time it posted. It was not until I checked my blog later that evening that I saw I had posted my intro many times. It was an accident and kind of embarrassing lol.

That makes me feel better. I don't want to get flagged for an oops I didn't know how the system worked situation.

I don't know all the etiquette here yet. I don't know what will and will not upset the community and or get a post flagged.

you'll get it i'm still learning . Your doing well from what I can see :)

Thank you

It's been happening lately to LOTS of people. If I am told that the post had an error while attempting to post, I just open another tab and look at my blog to see if it actually posted or not after a couple of minutes.

It still happens and yes, I did it 4 or 5 times before figuring out my mistake. Oh well!!!

Well I'm happy that I'm not alone in the multiple posting mistake(I did 7 multiple posts...blushing like a school boy on his first date) lol. Thank you for your input on the topic.

P.S. Some of the folks also don't like it when you upvote your own posts and comments. FYI. I am not sure how I feel about it myself since sometimes I am one of the few upvoting my essays.

What it means is it's trying to double-post. Every time you post, open your blog in a new window and see if it succeeded before pressing the post button again. Welcome to Steemit.

Thanks for the info.