When Popular Steemians Plagiarize: Why @hilarski AND @anahilarski Are Thieves
These two popular and semi-influentual Steemians are husband and wife. The wife, @anahilarski, created a post less than two weeks ago consisting of and intentionally stolen photograph, and a blatantly 100% plagiarized blog post (both the title and the content) trying to pass it off as her own work.
Now before any of you tell me to “quit bitching”, (or join your fake leaders in downvoting me) remind yourself that these piece of shit twats are deeply involved in steemit and the steem community, yet have the nerve to intentfully steal money from other steemians without remorse, apology, or admittance. They’ve both been downvoting everything I post now. They’re doing so because they’re angry that I called her out on her thieving, scandalous and disgusting behavior. They’ve even went as far as flagging me as a fake account, and writing posts to have their mob of followers downvote me.. Do I look and sound fake to you?
Again, is plagiarism the kind of example the community wants from “leaders”? Will you choose to ignore this behavior just because it comes from someone with a massive following?
Special Message to Anna and Randy:
You two are posers. Get a life, and get the fuck out of here with your fake bullshit - especially you, Randy, you fat dweeb. And tell your wife to stop painting her face like a clown; although it fits her well since you’re both complete clowns. If it’s too difficult for the woman to admit her fault, and if it takes the both of you and your voting weight to attempt to cover this up, maybe you should eject yourselves from the platform, rather than fuck me with downvotes. Go fuck yourselves, you fucking thieves.

Without Love,
From Mexico
P.S. Fuck You!
Dude, I agree with you in principle about the plagiarism because fuck plagiarism...
But I do not agree with how you are going about it. Gotta keep a cool head, man.
The language and insults is only going to kill the potential for rallying the community. I do agree the user should pay for the attempted slight against the community.
Not just a mere forfeiture of those rewards. That's not enough.
Imo would be nice if the community can work together to enforce a standard that, when you are caught plagiarizing, you must then forfeit 2x the rewards to @null or be downvoted until the same amount is removed.
Personally, I think that is reasonable and will put the fear in the backbone of aspiring abusers. One of the biggest issue is the low risk to abuse and a community that is mostly lackadaisical in punishing it.
I went about calling someone out which turned into a drama I never intended it to. Anyway, I agree with you completely. I think blatant plagiarism by established members should result in multiple penalties, inability to vote or write for 6 months, permanent inability to flag, and a reduction in reputation by 50%.. Accidents happen, I understand that. Also, some people share content without intending to play it off as their own. This was a case of pure, intentional plagiarism and that pissed me off.
I was attacked for voicing my opinion about it, so I wrote this post to vent and speak my mind.
I literally ONLY wrote this post because the people I called out made a thread about me.. To clarify.