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RE: Steemit – We Need To Talk

in #steemit7 years ago

See – I knew you were a reasonable human beneath your gruff exterior. Thank you for showing up – for answering me – for demonstrating your ability to avoid being petty. I sincerely appreciate your willingness to clarify.

This whole thing has taught / is teaching me so much. I've got a lot to learn about how this all works and how best to conduct myself on this platform. Still, I do think it's dangerous to take bits of a private chat and share them, out-of-context – regardless who's 'right' or 'wrong.' That is true no matter the platform or circumstance. It's far too easy to extract only the bits that support your argument, while conveniently leaving out the parts that don't.

I was actually present during the above dialogue and the breadth of it did not read as negatively as these screenshots seem to insinuate. Of course, I'm not nearly as invested as you are here, so my perception is perhaps not as fueled by a need to protect my stake, as yours must understandably be.

To be honest – as someone just entering into this game, one who retains something of a broader perspective – I think my lack of stake may afford me a decidedly less emotional view.

No – I don't really know either of you (GC nor SN), but...I sincerely believe you're battling over a misunderstanding of one another's motives. I think you're actually on the same team. Perhaps you approach things from different angles, but – to a humble redfish such as myself – you appear to be far more alike than you are different.

All this peripheral bickering isn't really productive. Perhaps it's time for some kind of public gathering of apparently opposing sides – to directly address and confront the issues together? Maybe a debate style panel on @msp-waves? I know I'd be the first to show up and listen to that. Think of how far that could go to even the playing field – to openly discuss options and hash out differing ideas about best practices.

I just can't shake this feeling that, differences aside – we all want the same thing – for Steemit to continue growing and become a tremendous success. Whatever we can do to unite around that truth...let's do that.

Maybe I have too much faith in our collective humanity. What can I say – I didn't earn the nickname 'the ziplomat' for nothin'.


There is no debate to be had, ignorant customers are paying for the stubbornness of a few greedy and irresponsible bot owner.
Take the sum of my comments and line them up again't these bots argument if you think there is interest. Would upvote that.

To clarify — it’s not the issues themselves that require debate, but how best to combat/handle them. As no one is technically in charge, shouldn’t we collectively be proposing/agreeing upon solutions? If our underlying goals are the same, which I sincerely believe they are — wouldn’t we be wise to combine our efforts rather than fight over who’s approach is best?

Debate, how to best combat/handle them

Not interested.

Not interested because...? You believe you’ve found the only and best way to deal with ’the bad guys’? disagree that we all want Steemit to succeed?

ps — there’s a marked difference between argument and debate — the former is petty and unwilling to consider alternatives — the latter is (ideally) much more grounded, open to hearing perspectives that may not reflect those of a given side.

The sum of your comments still produces a divide by zero error, you fucking ZERO.

The sum of your reward pool robbing ignorance is STILL ZERO brain cells and a stolen name because you are nothing but a shitfaced thief and scumbag piece of rat fecal matter.

In your last 10 comments you sound like that dumb old cat.