Write About Supernatural and Win 10 STEEM! : Blog Writing Contest -01 Entry: The Case of the Moving Curtain

Before anything else, I just want to say "Hello!" to everyone again! And yes, here I am, trying to get my thoughts up and get back into writing again. I am not sure what happened to me but these past years, I have been having such a huge writer's block that whenever I start facing my computer and start writing, my thoughts just goes away - gone by the wind. So, yes, let me start my attempt to write again. :)


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As a kid, I have never believed in supernatural beings. To me, they are nothing but just mere imaginations of people - something they have just read on from a book. It gets me scared, yes, because things I have heard created that fear in my mind and the question,

"What if they were real?"

So, yes, let me start my story...

It was just one night like usual and my parents already asked us to go to sleep since we will be having school tomorrow. The night was so calm and the wind is just how it is - not strong enough to even move a leaf from a tree. We were about to go to sleep and all of a sudden, the curtain of our room started swaying like crazy. It was far from the windows and looking at the curtains we have on the windows, they weren't even moving. So, how and why would the curtain in our room sway like there is a very strong wind blowing it?

We were all staring at it and we were asking questions to my mom like,

"Mom, why is it moving?"
"Why is the other curtains not moving?"
"Why is it the only one that's moving?"

But I guess my mom already knew it was something strange so she told us to hush and she grabbed the Bible she had from the bedside and put it below the curtain and then she started praying..

Few seconds later, the curtain just stopped swaying and went back to normal and we all just went to sleep.

That encounter has been always in my memory. It didn't get me scared but it gives me goosebumps every time I even just try to remember it. And that was the time when I started to believe that supernatural things, supernatural beings are indeed real.