Malisa & Maci

in #steemitbalkan7 years ago (edited)

Few days ago went to visit my friend, Old cat lady soon to be 😛.
And she has number of cats and they are all beautiful and special each on its own way.

Here are the two beasts only two that are allowed to be inside house.
The one is called Mališa and other is Maci. They are like brother and sister in the case maybe the really are.

Always ready for sleeping and laying around or making mess. They dont react if you call them eith their names but will talk to you if you have food well they are cats why wolud be different.

Yesterday Mališa made a sceen, there were some noise in the bathroom like something fell down, we came inside to see this beauty chilling in the sink...
As this is his usual spot and he also likes to drink there not from the bowl, strange one we could say..
One is hiperactive any hyped all the time making mess and stuff while the other is calm and chilled one.
Can you guess which is the wild one?


Godinama sam imao mačke. Nakon što je zadnja preminula odlučio sam malo promijeniti i nabaviti psa. I eto nabavio psa azila. Tako da svima želim poručiti. Ako želite mačku ili psa uzmite iz nekog azila ili skloništa. Pomozite im. Bit će zahvalni.

Takodjer ako bi uzimao psa bi udomio nekog iz azila, ali trenutno nemam vremena kolko bi htio za posvetit se psu, bude valjda kasnije..

After humans, mountain lions have the largest range of any mammal in the Western Hemisphere.

The Maine Coon cat is America's only natural breed of domestic feline. It is 4 to 5 times larger than the Singapura, the smallest breed of cat.