Cyber-Bullies & Steemit: Why their Toxicity is Detrimental to the Growth of Steemit. MY STEEMREP = 5 (FROM 65) MUST READ! ***WARNING "TLDR"*** if you cannot skim/read quickly or are pressed for time; bookmark & come back! >> MUST READ <<steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemitboard6 years ago (edited)

WARNING: this is lengthy. I did not write it right now; its just a collection of fragments of posts copy & pasted; yet the big bad @matt-a wolf keeps shutting them down. But this is an important issue within the community that needs to be addressed.

I figure better now; when other time would I? If a family member of yours dies from Alzheimer's you're more susceptible to being a donor to a charity organization that's focused on developing a cure for Alzheimer's right?

Now I'm not comparing myself to them; it is just an analogy. This was always an issue but I never addressed it or did anything about it as a member; it should be all of our responsibility to maintain the integrity & growth of this platform until one user named @matt-a started flagging literally all my posts.

So yeah, it happened to me. Yeah i'm bitching about it. But that doesn't diminish or change the fact that this is still an ongoing issue within the community that many users have a problem with

I'm spending all I have to promote this (for now) & I apologize it would be much more but I've got a little bit of a predicament where a butthurt cyber-bully is literally paying money to flag my posts & decrease my rep from 60 to 47 in 10 days just because I told the truth about my experience when I first joined this plaftorm, and how a user named @matt-a was pathetic enough to shut down my first 4 blog posts, including the introduceyourself one that matters most where I posted a detailed, sufficient response.

It's been roughly 6 months; what has changed? My steemrep (started at 17... no not 25, unlike the rest of us) and I climbed my way up to 64-65 *literally 1 rep higher than the coward who's cyber-bullying & harrassing me by using call-blocking apps to call my phone number repeatedly like a teenage girl that got dumped. He's spending hundreds of $$ in #steem to ensure that my account is buried and I'm fighting back using what modest/small I have to offer without investing a single penny in steem token.

How did I pull this off? READ BELOW FOR SECRET METHOD!!

I used the platform as intended... allow me to elaborate incase you're confused as to what I mean by that as once you hear what this kid does & how he abuses the curation reward system you might feel sick to your stomach & if *(after reading this comment)* you're left with that impression of @matt-a; as I understand there is an element of bias but I am gladly and willingly offering, rather pleading with the community to make this distinction for themselves then deal with it once they have.

In case anyone's wondering what I"m talking about... just click on his wallet & blog. How can a user have nearly 100k account value whilst collecting dozens of SBD weekly ***yet never have posted a single piece of original content throughout the entire duration of the "30 moons" he's been a steemit user. This is despicable behavior... unlike people like you or I who put in hours of our time writing thought-provoking, informative & detailed experiences/blog posts that have general intrinsic value, what I"m dealing with is literally the epitome of everything the #steemit #steem developers feared would happen & took every precaution to prevent it from happening, and that is:

Using the monetary / curation reward payout bonus as an obvious and shameful way to maximize his wallet or curation payouts rather while ensuring that the author gets not a single penny more than "he deserves, god forbid that greedy bastard try to take more than 50% of the rewards on a post he made" & literally diminish / disincentive users (look at my blog post... case in point) from authoring phenomenal content (which I firmly believe I do as did my 800 followers (now down to 600ish due to him, along with my steemprep from 60 to 47 as this petty man-child pays money literally to ensure that he can maintain the illusion of a moral high ground by being #1 with the most upvotes and when I say the most upvotes I mean he's got one upvote and its typically for $0.28 as that's just one of the many, many calculated methods he uses to take advantage of the reward curation system. I mean literally this is a checklist of things (that I know of) he does; among omany others.

He's got an entire system created & perfected for this specific purpose.

He actually had me convinced *as my very first day on this platform; i ran into him and he did the same shit. flagged & shut down 4 of my posts; walking around playing cyber-bully & keyboard warrior and trolling the introduceyourself section instead of growing a pair of balls and ever confronting/having a dispute with a user that has the VP to match him, as he is a coward plain and simple.

What do cowards do? They cower. & @matt-a has been one hell of a coward. Yet as I've tried to make clear time & time again; this was never personal. It was about the community & that's it.

So he takes advantage of loopholes on the curation payout system, how it works & **maximizes his curation rewards through a series of methods/ a formula which is LITERALLY written by the developers in a presentation of the ICO as

"a legitimate concern that certain bad apples won't play by the rules & take advantage of the monetary incentive but we're hoping the community will take note of that and police itself so we won't have to worry" - Steemit founder Ned Scott while under fire from criticism from co-founder Joe Lee.

1. Anyone who has been using this platform longer than a month knows that you get 20 votes a day. Anything more than that and it's counter-productive; with the magic number being 80% now @matt-a will make sure each & every one of those 20 votes goes to the "right" post. there ain't anything wrong with that. but what is the "right' post? to the average user; or at least the average content producing user, *(my process is as follows):* I'll spend about an hour skimming/reading through 100 blog posts daily and spend those 20 upvotes on posts *REGARDLESS* of when it was posted.

IF YOUR content/author is making a great post & i happen to catch is 3 minutes after it is been posted; I'm not going to set a timer for 27 minutes and come back to take 50% of his curation.

That's pathetic. That's greedy. That's a bottom-feeder. That's @matt-a. So the next time you get an upvote from him; remember that he's getting half the money you put promoting + not to mention all the time spent creating the content.

2. He doesn't read the posts he upvotes nor does he care. He's strictly in it for the money. He doesn't use this platform to learn new things as you or I would... He specifically targets 70-75+ steemrep users who have just posted a blog post & then unlike me or you *as we have better shit to do* he will set that timer & come back EXACTLY 29 min and 59 sec to upvote it; often times without even clicking on the link to see what's in it. This kid would upvote a post that had a pic a of his mother gettin fucked in the ass so as long as it wasn't the first image & not in the thumbnail. Again; ask yourself, is this the kind of guy you want as this community grows from "getting paid for best content" to "getting paid for a popularity contest" *smh*

    1. Using services like @smartsteem, @smartmoney, @minnowbooster; and commenting very frequently (usually bullshit ass-kissing posts to new users as he is well aware that the new users from #introduceyourself are given more exposure & automatic promo from the platform) so all he has to do is make sure he posts a lot of comments frequently, despite not having a single blog post because with comments he can leave under 250 characters of just straight dick riding on something that he does not mean whatsoever just to get that 100% payout & unlike his greedy ass; people will upvote those comments of his before the 30m 50% split so he gets to keep 75-100% of the curation on posts that he's upvoting with his own money..

Will reply with comment/post image in comment section/response too large

Screenshot above LITERALLY PROVES MY POINT FOR ME; shows how petty he is and how to him this is personal whereas to me this is about the platform & his juvenile bottom-feeding pathetic loser ass tainting it with his toxicity & "cutting corners"

-4. If matty @matt-a a.k.a. Boris Nemstov guy did this once in a while I'd understand; but as you can see from the image above, every time I make a post not 30 minutes, tops later it becomes; well let me put it in his words

"You're banned. Flagged. shut it down, you're done from this platform. goodbye" for simply:

You literally admit that you are flagging my posts & harassing my personal life because you are a bitch. I tell you that I won't stand for this shit I didn't start anything all I did was tell the truth as I referenced you as an example in an anecdote I was writing a comment on about a post from a #minnow / new user that was going through something similar that I had; remembering what it was like 6 months ago as a new/confused user in what was frankly a very intimidating app to navigate for the first time ever.

YOU know the difference between me and you matthew? I don't take personal shots at you cause I don't give a shit about you. I care about this platform; and the growth of #steemit vastly outweighs this pettiness game where you think that by stalking my life, insulting my family, and cowardly ranting like a bitch by accessing my personal info that's all public knowledge... I'm an open book & got nothing to hide. I encourage any and all users to PLEASE check my posts & my blog & his as well. Unlike matty/Boris I have no problem with it. He'll be biting his nails however, he doesn't want you to figure out his racket although don't worry I doubt this comment post will be up long enough for you guys to read it.

I just want to clarify to make this clear. Very briefly; I make these lengthy responses & clear points because the mods won't do anything as they clearly don't give a shit. That's why I"m turning to the community not to assist me with a personal problem I"m having but rather assist the entire platform as this is a commonly reoccurring problem within #steemit and it is toxifying the growth & future development of its base.

By doing what he's doing; authors are de-incentivized to create great content. This lethargy & lack of incentive/rewards will create an atmosphere no different than FB/Instagram or other social media platforms where its virtually a popularity contest and nothing more or less... So this is it. My plea to the community about cyber-bullying VP loophole curation reward abusing pricks like @matt-a. Heed my warning; or let this happen:

What are we going to do about; this obvious & clear inherent flaw in Steemit curation/reward system?? *sarcasm*

That was intended to be rhetorical... your move whales. It's time for the elder members of the community (with enough VP & clout) to step up & do something about this since the mods won't... unless you want to see FB make their own version of a social media platform on the blockchain and overtake #steemit as the main go-to platform... think I'm joining too? He's already gotten started (Zuckerberg) and this was written during spring (April) Q2 and don't be fooled: he has the resources, clout & connection to overtake this platform & do to steemit what he did to myspace. ***UNLESS WE AS A COMMUNITY BAND TOGETHER AND STOP IT FROM HAPPENING!


P.S. You don't exactly need to be Freud to realize that I don't like this kid/sorry excuse for a user; matt-a. At the same time; you don't need to be Freud to realize that I would never in a million years resort to the level of pettiness he has... nor would I waste the amount of time I have addressing this community problem, so spare me the "flag wars" or "personal dispute" responses as this was 120% personal for him and for me... just a way to shine a spotlight on a topic/problem within the community that many people have already addressed/posted about & yes, you caught me, guilty as charged.... if I can bring down some lowlife bottom feeder who's literally destroyed my account in the processs, its a 2 birds 1 stone scenario that's too juicy to pass up.


If anyone wants information on why this drug addled psychopath that's making death, rape, and hack threats is being flagged, feel free to contact me on discord on pretty much any steem related server.

What we have here is a legitimate delusional psychopath/narcissist, compulsive liar, that's blown out on drugs.

I'm sure this comment will be met with a giant incoherent wall of meth fueled text that makes zero sense, so let 'er rip. is a good starting point on this guy's disgusting and toxic existence. If you wanna discover the stuff he has tried to hide, just replace reddit with removeddit in the url of anything.

There's also the local news stories of him freaking out on drugs, smashing up a store while screaming racist rants (he's an Arabic guy for reference), resisting arrest, fleeing, and "slinging bodily fluids," on people and officers (piss, shit, puke?).
Make your call. My stance is that he is a toxic, mean spirited self-absorbed trash person that doesn't belong here. I utilized my stake that I invested in to nullify his trash.

I recommend flagging him into nonexistence and for bot owners to revoke purchased votes as well as ban him from their services.

FYI nobody cares about your opinion. Nobody cares about mine either. If anything; they care about the facts; again I've saved them the time/effort. Here's a complete timeline of your bullying/harrassment

I'm off to a comedy club with the wifey. You sit there & spend hundreds raging & continuing to bolster my argument / prove my point. Loser.

This comment is nothing but me literally fighting to hold onto my steemit account; which your petty ass has drained down to 5.

Also, keep lodging insults at me. When all I've done is block/ignore your ass. I don't want anything to do with you. You are literally cyber-bullying me on the post I made about how you're a cyber-bully. The irony is too much Lol.

Keep spending $$ matty :) keep illustrating my point.

GO AWAY! realize that with each reply/comment you bolster my argument even moreso?

cyber-bully matt.png

matt-a obssessed..png

and i'm the "psycho" right? All one needs to do is look at the puzzle pieces & see for themselves. Don't take my word for it. Don't take @matt-a's word for it. i've done you the favor & put the pieces togehter on Paint; took me all of 15 minutes. See for yourself


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