
What a great idea to do this, kudos to you my friend.
Thank you for these comments, I feel so official now :)

Awesome thank you Steemit team for all the hard work !!!

So cool, got my first award :) Upvoted this awesome project.

This looks great and it made me wonder if the awards themselves couldn't automatically be included in our profile as well as on the bottom of our posts to expose our level of interactivity and commitment to the platform... Great job! All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

This is a very good idea. Hopefully Steemit devs will see your suggestion.
Thanks for your feedback.

Thanks for recognizing the idea with such high regards. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

The website looks great! Lets get more of these rewards ;)

you killed it on this one, just started to use them and realized they auto updated. great work!

Yeah, auto-update is the key! Thanks for your comment.

Very cool. Not sure if it's a localization thing or an error, but it seems to show me having 135 thousand MVESTS, instead of just 135 MVESTS, which would put me on par with @steemit...

The image also shows me as a minnow, despite being among the top 300 holders.


Thanks for notifying.

This is really cool by the way, my sister and I have made posts about the need to encourage the idea of 'levelling' in Steem, this is a concrete effort in making that a reality.

Some more feedback:

There are many steps between the starting account level (25 Steem I think, about 50,000 VESTS) and the smallest dolphin (4798 Steem, 10,000,000 VESTS). More granular steps in between "Minnow" and "Dolphin" would make a sense of achievement/growth possible for ordinary users who don't have hundreds of dollars to spend or whose posts don't make the trending page. Thresholds at 100,000 VESTS and 1,000,000 VESTS would achieve that I think. I'm not sure what they should be called, but I guess some kind of medium sized fish.

<100,000 VESTS = Minnow
>100,000 VESTS = Medium fish? = About $8 at current prices
>1,000,000 VESTS = Large fish? = About $80 at current prices, certainly a meaningful milestone for many users
>10,000,000 VESTS = Dolphin = About $800
>100,000,000 VESTS = Orca
>1,000,000,000 VESTS = Whale

Just my thoughts!

Thanks for your positive feedback.
I started with the usual 4 well known categories. Anyway, I will take your suggestion into consideration.

Down in Florida "Grouper" is a popular and tasty fish, it might fit your medium fish category, that's if you want to stay salt water. If you're OK with fresh water you could look to Wisconsin and include the "Northern Pike" and/or "Musky." Thoughts as well.

snappers and mahi mahi and drum and opakapaka

Hello there! Is it ok if I translate your post to spanish and publish it under my account? It would be very nice for the Spanish speaking community which is growing and there is many people out there willing to know about their status. Let me know I will do it right away and then I will send you the link of the post. Also I will specify you permission to do so and that you are the creator of the article. Thanks

Hola. No hay problema para la traducción en español!

thank you Steemit team for all the hard work !

Damn that´s rocks ^^ very good post voting and following ^^