[Ramengirl Magazine Vol. 49] Ramengirl 3000 Followers: 'Steemit Crush' Contest! (SBD Give Away) / 스팀잇 크러쉬 콘테스트! / Steemitクラッシュコンテスト!| Ramengirl🍜
Steemit Crush Contest!

Hey, this is @ramengirl. Since I started Steemit with the name of @ramengirl, I finally reached 71 reputations, and 3,000 followers! Which I couldn't even imagine at the beginning! To celebrate my 3,000 followers I want to host a contest called 'Steemit Crush'!!!!
Please choose the Steemian you'd really want to meet the most in real life and make a post explaining the reason. You can freely express your words by writing, drawing, Dtube video, Dlive, music and so on.
I will select three winners and also a bonus winner. Events like contests are a great opportunity for newbies to tell everyone about themselves! I hope that many new minnows will participate in this contest ;)
How to participate
- Please resteem this post.
- Chose one Steemian who you really want to meet and make an original post.
- Be sure to use the tag #steemitcrush.
- The contest deadline is the date on which this post reaches payout.
- Prizes
Most creative Award - 20SBD
Most moving Award - 20SBD
Most humorous Award- 20SBD
(+) Bonus Award
I'm looking forward to your creative participation. Thanks!
스팀잇 크러쉬 콘테스트!
안녕하세요, @ramengirl 입니다. @ramengirl이라는 이름으로 스팀잇을 시작하고, 상상조차 할 수 없었던 명성도 71, 그리고 팔로워 3000명에 도달하게 되었습니다. 팔로워 3000명 도달을 축하하기 위해 스팀잇 크러쉬라는 콘테스트를 주최하려 하는데요!
여러분이 실제로 가장 만나고 싶은 스티미안 한분을 뽑아서 포스팅으로 만들어주시고 그 이유를 적어주세요^~^ 글, 그림, 디튜브 비디오, 디라이브, 음악 등으로 자유롭게 표현해주시면 됩니다.
창작상, 유머상, 감동상을 한분씩 총 세분의 우승작과 보너스작을 선정하겠습니다. 콘테스트와 같은 이벤트들은 뉴비분들이 자신을 알릴수 있는 좋은 기회입니다~! 뉴비분들의 많은 참여 기대하겠습니다^^
- 이 포스팅을 리스팀해주세요.
- 내가 꼭 만나고 싶은 스티미안 한명을 뽑아 오리지널 컨텐츠로 제작합니다.
- #steemitcrush 태그를 꼭 달아주세요!
- 콘테스트 기한은 이 글의 페이아웃이 되는 날짜입니다.
- 상금
창작상 – 20SBD
감동상 – 20SBD
유머상 – 20SBD
(+) 보너스상
여러분들의 창의적인 참가를 기대하고 있겠습니다. 감사합니다!
こんにちは、@ramengirlです。 @ramengirlという名前でSteemitを始めてから、遠く感じられた71という評判、そしてフォロワー3000人に達することになりました。そういうことで3000人フォロワーをお祝うための記念コンテストを行います!
創作賞 - 20SBD
感動賞 - 20SBD
ユーモア賞 - 20SBD

私のポストが良かったら、upvote&followお願いします。 ありがとうございます!
If you liked my posting please upvote & follow me. Thank you!

Congrats @remengirl on your 3k followers!. Hope you will reach 10k soon!
Anyways I'm new on Steemit. I never enter any contest before. Since you mention drawing. I drew a picture of you.
OMG, Thank you so much!!!!
What a surprise! I love it!! <3 Welcome to Steemit @vaansteam
You're very welcome and thank you!! I don't think I did a job. Maybe I could do another drawing for you in my next post. Do you have a specific picture that you like, maybe you can send me? I need a beautiful model :)
very lovely
Nice work,i am new here too.
Cheer Up! 많은 사람들이 이 포스팅에 관심을 갖고 있나봐요!
Congrats @ramengirl for the 3,000 followers! I just created my own post using #steemitcrush and I think you will enjoy it!! Great idea and thanks for the inspiration! Here is the video in DTUBE Below :)
Quite interesting!😊
たしかに😁✨great idea ♥です😁✋
Awww, thank you!!!!
3000+_+ 축하드립니다. 매력넘치는 포스팅 항상 잘보고 있습니다.감사합니다:)
김작가님+_+ 꺄아 감사드립니다>ㅂ< 평안한밤 되시길 바라요!
Thank you for the opportunity. I'm newbie who would like other to know me more.:) I actually don't know anyone well on the steemit, but I will try. Thanks again.
hey @happyleona we're also new, follow @happychaga ;) because HAPPY :) yey!
If you don't mind to be my friend... @gprince follow me back.. 😍😍😍🤓🤓
Thanks for the opportunity