Thinking about how the journey of cryptocurrency has been for me and how it has affected my thinking about investing, sending funds to anywhere in the world and saving, then heck I realised I'm writing a post to introduce myself to the world, to project me to start making some cool Steem digital currency...(well making money is important also) but beyond that the number of audience to reach and earn at the same time is a great opportunity for people to showcase hidden talents that they haven't thought to earn from.
Finally I'll like to appreciate the effort of cryptogene as most of what I've known came through this selfless group even though I'm still a learner, I know there is more to know about cryptocurrency and I've looking forward to the challenge....Oh before I forget I'm a massive football lover
welcome on board fam
Thanks...let's do this
That's the spirit
True Flip {ICO} - Already running a transparent blockchain lottery! Bomb! Bonus 20%! Hurry! :)

The platform is already working and making a profit :)
Apt! Cryptogene simply put; cryptos in my GENE.
Time to be financially free via cryptotrading let's steemit!
Nice one
Bravo. Welcome to steemit where the action, fun and mon£¥ is!
I love the word " There is more to know". Same Here bruh
My heartbitcoin @cryptogene ..loving the logo the more
Nice Piece
Nice post.