Viewing Education Theory Through Behaviorism, WATSON JOHN Approach

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

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Hi lovers of education..

Well, today I will explain about the world of learning through behavioristic theory.

According to behavioristic theory, learning is a change in behavior as a result of the interaction between the stimulus (stimulus) and the response (response). In other words, learning is a form of change that students experience in their ability to behave in new ways as a result of the interaction between stimulus and response. A person is considered to have learned something if he can show changes in his behavior.

According to this toeri, what happens between the stimulus and the response is considered unimportant because it can not be observed and can not be measured. What can be observed is the stimulus and response. Therefore, whatever the teacher (stimulus) and what the student produces (response), everything must be observable and measurable. This theory prioritizes measurement, because measurement is an important thing to see the occurrence of changes in the behavior.

Another factor that is also considered important is the strengthening factor. Reinforcement is anything that can strengthen the emergence of a response. When the strengthening is added then the response will be stronger. Similarly, if the strengthening is reduced then the responspun will be strengthened. Thus, reinforcement is an important form of stimulus given (added) or eliminated (reduced) to allow for a response. [1]

Behavioristic learning theory is a theory shared by Gage and Berliner about behavior change as a result of experience. Some scientists including the founder and adherents of this theory include Thorndike, Watson, Hull, Guthrie, and Skinner.

This theory then developed into a flow of learning psychology that influences the direction of development of theory and practice of education and learning, known as behavioristic flow. This flow emphasizes the formation of behaviors that appear as learning outcomes. Behavioristic theory with the model of stimulus-response relationship, putting people who learn as a passive individual. Certain responses or behaviors using training methods or habituation alone. The emergence of behavior will be stronger if given strengthening and will disappear when penalized. Learning is the result of an interaction between stimulus and response (Slavin, 2000: 143). [2]

History of Watson's Behavioristic Theory

His full name, John Broades Watson, he was born in Greenville on January 9, 1878 and died in New York City on September 25, 1958. He studied philosophy at the University of Chicago and obtained his Ph.D. in 1903 with a dissertation entitled "Animal Education ". Watson is known as a scientist who made many investigations about animal psychology.
In 1908 he became a professor in experimental psychology and comparative psychology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and also became director of the psychology laboratory at the university. Between the years 1920-1945 he left the university and worked in the field of consumer psychology.

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John Watson is known as the founder of the flow of behaviorism in the United States. His most recognizable work is "Psychology as the Behaviorist view it" (1913). According to Watson in some of his works, psychology must be an objective science, therefore he does not recognize the existence of consciousness that is only examined through introspection methods. Watson also argues that psychology should be studied as one studies the exact science or the natural sciences. Psychology must therefore be strictly limited to real-life investigations of behavior. Despite many criticisms of Watson's opinion, it must be admitted that Watson's role remains important, as through him developing objective methods in psychology.

He emphasized the importance of education in the development of my behavior. He believes that by providing a certain conditioning in the educational process, it can make a child have certain qualities. He even gave a very extreme remark to support his opinion, saying: "Give me ten children, then I will make the ten children according to my will." [3]

Watson's main view

Then how the concept of theory according to Watson

There are nine theories put forward by John Watson this, among them are as follows:

  • Psychology studies stimulus and response (S-R Psychology)
    Stimulus is all objects in the environment, including tissue changes in the body. Response is anything done in response to a stimulus, ranging from simple to high levels, also including gland expenditure. The response is overt and covert, learned and unlearned

  • Not trusting hereditary (hereditary)
    As a determinant of behavior. Human behavior is the result of learning so that the environmental element is very important (see his very extreme views illustrating this to Lundin, 1991 p.173). Thus Watson's view is deterministic, human behavior is determined by external factors, not by offspring.

  • In the mind-body frame Watson's view was simple
    For him, the mind may exist, but not something sacred or will be explained through a scientific approach. So that does not mean that Watson totally rejects the mind, no. He only recognizes the body as an object of scientific study. This rejection of consciousness, soul or mind is the main characteristic of behaviorism and will be held firmly by the characters of this school, albeit in varying degrees. [At this point the history of psychology records the first time since the days of Greek philosophy there has been a total rejection of the concept of soul and mind. It is not surprising that this view in the beginning got a lot of harsh reactions, but with the passage of time behaviorism became popular].

  • Empirical method
    In line with its focus on objective science, psychology must employ empirical methods. In this case the method of psychology is observation, conditioning, testing, and verbal reports.

  • Gradually Watson rejected the concept of instinct, ranging from its characteristics as an unlearned reflex, belonging only to children who were replaced by habits, and ultimately rejected altogether except for simple reflexes such as sneezing, crawling, and others.

  • learning concept
    The concept of learning is vital in Watson's view, as well as for other behaviors of behaviorism. Habits which are the basis of behavior are the learning outcomes determined by the two major laws, recency and frequency. Watson supported the conditioning response of Pavlov and rejected the law of effect of Thorndike. Then habits is a complex conditioning process. He applied it to phobia experiments (Albert's subject). Later it is evident that Watson's theory of learning has many flaws and his views that reject Thorndike wrong.

  • The view of memory
    The view of memory has led him to contradict William James. According to Watson what is remembered and forgotten is determined by how often something is used / done. In other words, the extent to which something is habits. The decisive factor is the need.

  • The thinking and speech process is closely related
    Thinking is subvocal talking. This means that thinking processes are based on speech skills and can be likened to an 'invisible' speech process, can still be identified through subtle movements such as lip motion or other gestures.

  • Behavior can be controlled and there are laws governing it
    Watson's main contribution is his assertiveness that behavior can be controlled and there are laws governing it. So psychology is a science that aims to predict one's behavior. This view is held by many experts and applied to practical situations. With his rejection of mind and consciousness, Watson also revived the spirit of objectivity in psychology that paved the way for empirical research into controlled experiments. [4]

This method of behaviorism is well suited for the acquisition of ministry that requires practices and habits that contain elements such as: Speed, spontaneity, flexibility, reflexes, endurance etc., for example: foreign language conversations, typing, dancing, using computers, swimming, sports and others. This theory is also very appropriately applied to train children who still need the dominance of the role of adults, likes to repeat and must be familiarized, likes to imitate. []

Reference :

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