How to study effectively??? Easy study tips
Hi guys, this time I brought you studying tips for students.
Most of the students see the dying part highlighted in studying . Many students (including myself) find studying very hard and boring. It really is damn hard if you don't know how to study in an effective way.
Make all the subjects your favorite ones (even math)
This is the first thing you should do if you want to study hard. I'm telling form my own experience. You should must like it before you do it.
If you read my post, How I answered the paper today and My exam results, you will see how much I hate to study Tamil. It gives me goose bumps just remembering Tamil. I hate it that much. And that's the one and only reason why I got 50% marks for the Tamil paper.
And in the exam before the last, I got 75% marks for math. At that time I neither didn't like Math nor hate it. But this time I became much closer with Math and Got 90% marks for math.
So all you have to do is to become much closer with the subject and make it your favorite subject.
It's hard for you to work with someone whom you don't like. But youhavewill do anything for someone whom you are very close to. Like that if you find something which you can't understand in your favorite subject, you anyhow try to understand. You might google or ask someone or in anyway until you get to know what it is, you'll never stop.
So the first and the major thing is to make all the subjects your favorite subjects.
Make your own notes
When you are studying from a textbook or anything like that, make your own notes. Take a paper and write from your own hands. First read a paragraph or a page and write the important things in your own words. Then you can study easily using your own notes.
Draw doodles
This is a very funny way to study. Specially when studying History you can draw some doodle pictures.
One of my classmates did this in studying about the World War I. It was very funny to check it. You may know that Britain and France made an agreement to work with each other and then after a few years, Russia also became an ally of Britain and France. She had drawn a doodle like this.

So all you have to do is to quit hiding your creativity and let your hand and mind work together to make useful doodles.
Teach what you learnt
This is a major tip I used when I was little. Everyday when I return home, I teach mom what I learnt that day. Now I don't have that much time so I rarely try it. But this is a great way to keep something in mind. This is really helpful when you are doing your revisions.
I still do it. I post the lessons teaching them to you. You can see them in How to find the length of the Hypotenuse of a Right angled triangle, Let's learn about the energy sources we use, Let's learn about Physical and Chemical changes
Make a song
This is another way to study easily. When you have to remember the elements of compounds, the periodic table etc.. make a song and try to remember the song.
There's Hydrogen and Helium
Then Lithium, Beryllium
Boron, Carbon everywhere
Nitrogen all through the air
With Oxygen so you can breathe
And Fluorine for your pretty teeth
Neon to light up the signs
Sodium for salty times
Magnesium, Aluminium, Silicon
Phosphorus, then Sulfur, Chlorine and Argon
Potassium, and Calcium so you'll grow strong
Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium and Chromium and Manganese
This is the Periodic Table
Noble gas is stable
Halogens and Alkali react agressively
Each period will see new outer shells
While electrons are added moving to the right
Iron is the 26th
Then Cobalt, Nickel coins you get
Copper, Zinc and Gallium
Germanium and Arsenic
Selenium and Bromine film
While Krypton helps light up your room
Rubidium and Strontium then Yttrium, Zirconium
Niobium, Molybdenum, Technetium
Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium
Silver-ware then Cadmium and Indium
Tin-cans, Antimony then Tellurium and Iodine and Xenon and then Caesium and...
Barium is 56 and this is where the table splits
Where Lanthanides have just begun
Lanthanum, Cerium and Praseodymium
Neodymium's next too
Promethium, then 62's
Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium and Terbium
Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium
Ytterbium, Lutetium
Hafnium, Tantalum, Tungsten then we're on to
Rhenium, Osmium and Iridium
Platinum, Gold to make you rich till you grow old
Mercury to tell you when it's really cold
Thallium and Lead then Bismuth for your tummy
Polonium, Astatine would not be yummy
Radon, Francium will last a little time
Radium then Actinides at 89
Actinium, Thorium, Protactinium
Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium
Americium, Curium, Berkelium
Californium, Einsteinium, Fermium
Mendelevium, Nobelium, Lawrencium
Rutherfordium, Dubnium, Seaborgium
Bohrium, Hassium then Meitnerium
Darmstadtium, Roentgenium, Copernicium
Ununtrium, Flerovium
Ununpentium, Livermorium
Ununseptium, Ununoctium
And then we're done!!
And last year, I had to study the elements of alloys. This is how I studied the elements of the alloy Solder.
Soldiers are drinking blood from a tin.
In sinhala, blood means lē. The elements of Solder are Tin and Lead.
Like that, you can make your own songs and phrases to study easily.
Feel free to share your ideas in the comments section
Hope you learnt something
This reminded me of a song I made up for the elements table when I was a student... it was crappy (and in Arabic my native language) but at that time I loved it and thought I was a genius to come up with it.
Yeah we also have a song for the periodic table in Sinhala. It's a funny one nut I still don't know the full thing. Maybe I'll remember it by next year. :D