My post yesterday on the school shooting and how to protect your students

People seem to think it is a post about gun control and it is not about gun control. Gun control is mention in the first paragraph but not in the body of the post.

So I get it some people don't read the whole post and pick out a couple of words in the first paragraph and run with that. They either don't care about ways to keep the children safe or they can't think of anything to say about it.

Also having the opinion that guns don't kill people do. Is some how the wrong opinion. I was raised shooting guns and know how to handle them. We were taught to be respectful of the gun and the power it carries. Not to point a gun at anything you don't want to kill.

Since the post was tagged steemiteducation and was mentioned n the title about protecting your students I don't get why people are hammering it with pro gun control comments.
If people want to post pro gun control blogs you need to write your own blogs.

Since I am a teacher it is important to me to do the best I can to take care of the children. It makes me sad people didn't get the main content of the post.


The hidden and not so hidden agendas of those out to push their views down your throat and will go on for hours trying to dazzle you with their bull shyt ;-)

Yes they are trying to but it is not working. It is funny how they won't make a post of their own on the subject.

Of course not, it removes all doubt on their agenda they are trying to push... Can we say government shill?

the teacher is a hero in shaping the character of future generations.

Sadly, some people when they read something they don't like or they don't agree with, tend to concentrate on just that one thing instead of looking at the post as a whole.

I actually left this comment on one of my friend's posts concerning this subject and I will share it here as well:

"Even if you ban the guns people who want to kill will find a way to buy them illegally. The entire U.S. is one big weapon factory. Even if they ban the guns and you can't get it illegally these kinds of people will find a different way to do the same. And what about the people whose guns you will take leaving them defenseless against people like this? On whose head those deaths go to? This not a gun, bomb, or knife problem.. This is a PEOPLE problem. Our society is degrading all around the world and people still worry about the gun problem. It makes no sense to me.. Solve the CAUSE-PEOPLE, and not the SYMPTOMS-GUNS. ONLY WAY TO CURE THE DISEASE IS TO CURE TO THE CAUSE OF THE DISEASE."

Like you I don't get people dropping ban the guns arguments. And, I don't get how they don't see the guns are not the problem. Problems are individuals who use them in such a horrific way. Guns or any kind of weapons never killed a person. They did not pick themselves up and killed. PEOPLE picked them up and killed others with it. People are the CAUSE of the problem and only way to fix it is to change the people. Because there will always be weapons...

Interesting topic my friend. Sorry for the long comment. I am just passionate about this topic. Have a great day as always. :)

@awakintolife I enjoyed reading your comment. People just want to be noticed and can get on certain bandwagons without looking at the real problem. If people want a gun or any other weapon they are going to get it one way or another.

Nothing to add really. We are on the same page. :)

I am glad you liked my comment. :)

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More needs to be done to curb these killings, it is true

that guns don't kill people do

but there is need to get it out of the reach of insane people.

Perfect example of taking it out of context.The whole paragraph is as follows:

Also having the opinion that guns don't kill people do. Is some how the wrong opinion. I was raised shooting guns and know how to handle them. We were taught to be respectful of the gun and the power it carries. Not to point a gun at anything you don't want to kill.

My question is why and how are these people getting their hand on the guns in the first place?