Funding Education with the Blockchain, Volume 1: Books and Wobble Stools!
It is well-documented that education funding in the United States leaves much to be desired.

Just this week, my local newspaper ran a front page expose about the deteriorating conditions in some of the local schools.
As the husband of an educator, I know these struggles all too well. My wife is currently a third grade teacher in the town we live in, and while she does not have leaky ceilings and crumbling walls like some of the schools in the above article, she does suffer from a lack of funding if she needs resources for her classroom.
Funding education in the United States is very political. Each state's government is in charge of education funding, and depending on the state, this may further be delegated to individual county school systems. Education-related expenses are where the majority of property tax dollars in my local county go, but without a large increase in taxes, it seems like there are fewer and fewer dollars to go around.
What if the blockchain can change that?

There are various other avenues that teachers may pursue to obtain additional funding for their classrooms, but they are often donation-based and may not be fully funded. Today, I'm hoping to change that. Let's use Steemit to help fund education projects across the United States.
My wife currently has two active projects on a website called Donors Choose. Teachers across the United States may submit project requests to the website and others may choose to donate to the projects, similar to many Crowd-funding websites like Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. is a non-profit organization, so donations are tax-deductible, and often large organizations and celebrities will make donations to specific projects near their deadlines to ensure they receive funding.
My wife has used the website to fund two prior projects, which have allowed her to obtain many helpful items for her classroom.
With this in mind, 100% of the rewards from this post will be used to fund my wife's two active projects on
The liquid SBD will be transferred to an exchange and cashed out, and I will also transfer an amount of STEEM equal to the STEEM Power payout from this post as well. I will then make donations via DonorsChoose with the funds that have been converted from this post's rewards and I'll share the entire process in a future blog for accountability and transparency.
You may also directly transfer STEEM or SBD to my account and I'll earmark it for the transfer once this post pays out.
If you're interested, before you go click the upvote button, let me tell you a little about what your vote will help provide for my wife's classroom.
Project 1: Wiggle While We Work

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The first project is for funding to purchase several wobble stools, which are small stools that children may sit on that are not level like a typical chair, but can rotate and pivot based on the child's movements. It allows them to wiggle about while sitting at a desk working on an assignment. Here's an excerpt from the project description:
I cringe whenever I see the media portray classrooms as a room with rows of desks with every child sitting stiff backed in a chair, facing forward, listening to their teacher lecture. While that may be the classroom of the past, that will not be my classroom. With your help, this is what my classroom could be.
Imagine a classroom where kids are engaging with their peers, using their hands, minds and voices to experience learning in a way that makes them look forward coming to school.
These kids are in a classroom that makes them feel welcome and respected. They are given a choice in how they learn. They are not asked to sit still and be quiet all day long. Sitting still is hard! Kids shouldn't have to focus on that when they are in school to focus on learning.
These wobble stools will give kids the opportunity to let out their excitement and energy while they learn. They will improve their posture and core strength. It will be a way I can show them that I care and I want them to feel comfortable in their classroom. Learning doesn't have to happen at a desk. Learning happens when kids can be kids. Let them move! Let them learn.
The full cost of the project is $675 (you can see the itemized costs on the project's description page).
Project 2: Stories That Inspire

Books open doors to fantastic places, especially for children. My wife teaches third grade (8-9 year olds), and she often reads books to them during class time in order to increase their comprehension abilities and open their eyes to the world around them. Here's an excerpt from the project description:
One of my favorite things to do as a teacher, is read to my kids. They sit on the floor in front of my rocking chair and, for 20 minutes, they can all learn together. Most of the day, I differentiate my teaching to meet the needs of each individual learner. But, during those precious 20 minutes, I can reach everyone at the same time.
The stories I read to my students teach them more than just literacy - it teaches them how to be kind, brave, strong and resilient.
I choose books that teach growth mindset - the research proven idea that you are not born with a set level of "smartness". You can grow your brain by choosing hard tasks and perseverance. I choose books that introduce kids to people who have faced adversity and overcome them in order to make a difference in the world.
With your help, I can teach my children to love the magic of reading. Not only that, but you will help me inspire my kids to try new things - challenging things. They will learn the power of YET! You can help me introduce them to inspiring people of history and give them the courage to stand up for what they believe in.
The full cost of this project is $333. You can see a full list of the books that my wife hopes to purchase with the funds from this project on its description page.
The Goal of this Post

Your vote on this post will help purchase these stools and books for my wife's classroom. Right now, almost half of the required funds have been given by other donors. At the time of this post, Project 1 still needs $334, and Project 2 still needs $208. I believe that we could easily fund both projects with votes from across Steemit, and I also believe that this is just the beginning.
In the future, I plan to have a blog series dedicated to funding a project from, whether it is one from my wife's classroom or not, I believe we can show teachers in the United States the power of the STEEM Blockchain. I plan to link to the posts in the comment I can make with the donation so that the teachers will know where the donations came from.
I know there are many educators present across the Steemit platform. The efforts of initiatives like @steemiteducation have helped propel education-related topics to the forefront. I hope that other teachers will be able to use the STEEM blockchain to fund projects for their classrooms, and I believe donating through DonorsChoose is a great way to keep the donations transparent and honest.
Once again, I am planning to donate all of the rewards from this post (SBD and an equal amount of STEEM to the SP payout) directly to the two projects described above. Let's use our stakes in the platform to directly impact the education of students across America!
If you have any questions about the project or the process, please let me know. Thank you in advance for your generosity and kindness toward this initiative. I value education, and I want children to have the best resources possible. My wife is a fantastic educator, so I hope you'll help support her classroom!
*I will also accept direct SBD and STEEM transfers to my account. I'll add that to the total, and it will get transferred as one lump sum once this post pays out.

Hi @ethandsmith! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.02 SBD @tipU
from @tattoodjay :)
Check out new tipuvote! feature :)
Please make sure I know about your planned series and where to find new entries. You can count on a vote and more from me ... every time you post.
I certainly will. I know that my wife might have other teachers at her school who also have projects, so I'll be sure to seek out people I know directly before pulling projects at random. But then again, helping a random project could bring more attention to the blockchain, so hopefully everyone wins.
Thank you so much for your support.
I am supporting this post and your wife's project for the books. With that being said now I will comment on the current education system.
The problem with education is not funding, the problem is that the system still operates like it did in the 1800's. There is no need to assemble kids in school rooms in this day and age. Each school district could supply a laptop computer and a wireless card that would only access the school district's wireless signal to each student. Give the lessons over the air waves.
This would eliminate huge amounts of expenditure in building, buses, fuel, maintenance & food service workers and eliminate all the school shootings.
Most places would not go for such a setup because the parents of the students would be in an uproar that they would have to find someone to sit with their kids at their home, IE; babysitter. That is what most schools have become, sitting services so both parents can work.
There are better ways than the current way, people just need to start thinking instead of keeping doing.
Just my thoughts, good luck with the projects.
Thank you for your support!
It's interesting to consider flipping the traditional school model on its head, but I think ultimately, children must go somewhere during the day where they can be supervised. Implementation of technology into the classroom has been something great to watch, though. At my wife's school, each of her students have a Chromebook they can use throughout the day, and they are allowed to take them home.
One new initiative this year at my wife's school is that they've done away with homework. So far it seems to be a very popular strategy that several other schools in our county are considering.
There are always various considerations to be made about the state of education, but I'm hoping that we can start showing teachers across the nation that the blockchain is useful for funding specific projects to help children learn better.
Once again, thank you for stopping by.
With me education is a subject that is best discussed in verbal format rather than typed. One needs to really go back in our history and explore how the department of education came about and the foundations that supported the creation of it, it is just to much to try and type out and I won't bother you with it. Let me just say that the people who are in charge have us right where they want us , so don't look for any meaningful changes anytime soon.
My personal beliefs are that it should be state funded (as intended), not federally funded. Apart from that, I think the social interaction is good and healthy, so I like the classroom setting as a whole. That being said, I can also see how giving more school choice and opening up more options and possibilities for education could prove to be beneficial for many students and help them to learn more, based on their learning styles and preferences.
Also, we really need to better evaluate how the money is spent. Athletic Directors and Principals should be qualified individuals, not just old football coaches. Superintendents should not be pulling in 250-300k while teachers are making 40k. Funding for certain sports or activities should not be as much as a dozen teachers' salaries combined while other sports and extracurriculars have to do their own fundraisers just to get the bare minimum equipment and supplies.
I am gladly putting my vote in this post. I am all for helping the kids and improving their educational experience. I know I hated those small wooden benches I had to sit in for a longer period of time. Someone would think about making seats at least little bit more comfortable would improve kids learning experience. I am sure it would for me as most of those benches are small and my legs are very
Love the project for inspiring books. Inspired kids learn better. Motivation and inspiration is the key to learning. Plus it can inspire kids to do amazing things as well in their lives. :)
Love the initiative, my friend. I hope people will recognize this great cause and upvote this post to help you raise a great amount of money to improve the learning experience for the kids. :)
Have an amazing day. :)
We'll just have to call the stool company and get them to make one for people with long legs!
Thank you for your support and all of the kind words! It means so much!
You should. Call the airplane companies as well.. lol Their seats are truly discrimination against tall people. lol
You are more than welcome. I am happy to comment and be here. :)
It is a sad state of affairs in the West. Educating our children is of paramount importance and yet it is a struggle to find the resources they need. Then you have professional athletes making millions and millions, our priorities are way out of alignment.
The block chain does raise an interesting idea though. Donations through crypto could definitely help, but it might be a localized and temporary solution. I still like the idea though. Hope you're able to raise some decent SBD for a good cause
I'm hoping that every little bit will help. We were brainstorming about ways to help fund the project, and I figured I'd give this a shot, since it's fairly easy for people to click upvote to support a cause!
There are plenty of things wrong with the education system, but when I hear my wife tell stories of how she helps individual children, I know that causes like this are worth it. I'm glad I can help support education. I appreciate your support.
Hi @ethandsmith! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @traciyork!
Check out new tipuvote! feature :)
It is one of the great things about steemit and the community that can drive and support initiatives like this
Both her projects are superb ideas and let me help in my little way to make them achievable tip!
Thank you very much for your contribution to the projects, Jay. I really appreciate it!
Just helping in my little way my friend
This is a good initiative to help raise funds for a good cause. Like @asyrafahamed, I too am surprised to find that a developed country like US face the same issues like us here. I guessed politics rear its ugly head everywhere. Hope your post managed to garner the support and funds it needed to provide a comfortable education environment for the future leaders of tomorrow
Thank you for your support. There will always be issues with education funding, but I'm hoping that these initiatives will allow us to promote the blockchain as a source of funding for education! The possibilities are endless!
My support to you by upvoting and writing a post about this
Thank you so much! Your post is doing very well so far, and I really appreciate the support. The more people we involve, the more projects we can fund!
I upped my vote to the maximum amount I could give you. Not much, but then every little bit helps in the world I suppose. I love this concept, and the mission of your post to help provide funds for your wife's school projects. And naturally, the idea of more books for the children grabbed my attention :)
Good luck with your goal, I wish you every success.
I really appreciate your vote, no matter what the amount! Every vote helps get us closer to reaching the goal. I'm excited to cash out the rewards and put them toward the projects. I plan to blog about the entire process, so you'll be updated as it happens!
Thanks again.
I saw that you have successfully completed this, so well done. Exciting news. It's like a Steem Kickstarter.
Yes, indeed! I'm very pleased with the outcome, and I hope that I can continue the initiative in the future! Thank you for your support!