in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Slow learners are not non-learners and should not be left behind. It is important to remember that a slow learner wants to learn, but has a challenge with the method of learning. It is better for the slow learner to learn at his or her own pace than not to learn at all.

Slow Learners

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Slow learners also want to learn and succeed and must not be ignored, but must be taught also, like all others kids and it is, therefore crucial to make a few adjustments in their learning abilities.
Slow learners are very embarrassing and self-conscious of their limitations in relation to the fast learners. The only problem with slow learners is that they learn concepts and achieve developmental milestones at a slower pace than their peers. Parents and teachers play a crucial role in a slow learner's life. Their sincere support and motivation will help and encourage these children overcome their hurdles. The main problem with these learners education is their weak cognitive skills combined with the slow speed of learning. Teachers must be aware of the fact that they are easily distracted and that their attention span is low.

How to help slow learners

  • create a healthy atmosphere at school and also in the community
  • the teacher's first responsibility is to build up confidence amongst these learners
  • make them believe that they are not less important than the fast learners
  • be patient and consistent with slow learners
  • arrange to teach according to their interests
  • find creative ways to deal with their situation, without affecting the whole class
  • create emotional security by not embarrassing them in front of their peers
  • Identify and concentrate on their weaknesses
  • allow more time to figure things out that is allowed for in the syllabus
  • repetition of keywords and concepts of every basic instruction
  • do not over speak but over teach
  • very important to praise every small effort of the slow learner in front of the class
  • recognize and reward their participation. This will boost self-confidence
  • arrange for extra classes after school
  • do not reprimand them in front of the class, do that in private
  • concentrate on reading and not on writing, oral education is more beneficial for them
  • encourage them to complete tasks even if it must be postponed
  • do not overprotect them
  • the teacher must work closely with the parents. Be available and open to communication
  • parents must see to it that homework and assigned tasks are successfully completed on a daily basis
  • teach the other children not to bully or to make fun of the slow learners, Teach them to empathize and not criticise
  • explain about their condition in the absence of the slow learner and how they can make a difference

Reluctant Learners

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A teacher must be able to pinpoint the difference between a reluctant learner to that of a slow learner. A reluctant learner is not motivated to learn and can be either docile or intimidating, creating more problems for parents and teachers through rebellion.

Fast Learners

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Characteristics of a fast learner

  • they are learning by doing
  • not afraid to say "I don't know"
  • realize that many questions have no answers
  • can explain to a kid
  • able to visualize it
  • do more, think less
  • can explain it in one sentence

Fast learners know a great deal about a variety of topics and have a quicker grasp and recollection of factual information than other kids of the same age.
A lot of times the fast learners are pushed to the side and are not given what they need. They can easily feel bored if they are not kept busy with challenging work. Don't give the fast learner extra of the same work if they finish early, but provide different and additional activities that are cognitive and challenging for them to do. It must relate to the lesson but at a much more challenging level.
Create a monthly packet filled with enrichment activities which will complement the curriculum, on which they can work on when they have spare time. Include practice pages which can include spelling, handwriting. Incorporate material from the following areas:

  • reasoning and logic problems
  • reading comprehension
  • language application and foundational skills
  • map work
  • science activities
  • vocabulary work

Use the fast learners to help the slow learners, this will help increase the overall speed in which the class is mastering new concepts. When they finished their work before the rest of the class, encourage them to read ahead of the lesson and allow them to ask questions, without getting irritated. Let them form groups and engage in the work on a higher level
Never push them aside and think they don't need attention because they don't need help with their work. They also need encouragement and motivation, just like all the other children in the class.
Fast learners will be very well aware when the teacher view them as in the way and a nuisance because they finish their work quickly.
Don't punish them for finishing fast and for their intelligence by providing enrichment activities, by taking away their breaks and social times. It is in the classroom where they need to be shown love and attention. If they already understand the work being taught, why would they need more instructional time than their peers? All they want is that the instructional time is better spent.

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please follow me @frieda


Great blog

Thank you so much!