
Yeah, that's right! The guidance and attention of parents is needed by children so that they can become independent, parental attention is a major factor in guiding, directing, and educating their children among families so that they become the next generation better.

It is good for children to be independent so they can grow up into capable adults. It's a parents job to provide guidance but not so much that parents are always hovering above their children. There needs to be balance.

This is how I grew up. We ran the neighborhood, climbed trees, played ball and got dirty. We knew our boundaries and came home for dinner at 6:00. We watched TV maybe for an hour an evening on weekends. It's a shame kids are glued to eletronics and don't get to run like we did. As a teen, I walked for hours at night alone. I loved the night sounds and the moon. I did get to a place where some guys in trucks or cars slowed to offer me a ride, which I declined, and then decided I could no longer take those night walks alone. I'll never forget the freedom and peace.

I agree. I hate seeing kids glued to screens instead of actually playing and interacting with others. It's sad that we feel so fearful of being outside that we hide away inside. Times have definitely changed but not for the better.

I wish there was an emoji option on this platform....cuz I would have that face with tears oozing out of its eyes from laughing.

Wow, there are laws against "free-ranging" your kids.

I'm glad Utah allows it's almost like natural parenting...the organic way. Imagine that. Sure must be healthy without those sterilising pesticides.

Loved your piece .


I'm glad you enjoyed my post. It is natural parenting. Helicopter parenting to me is unnatural. No parent needs to monitor their kids every single second.

If only your satire wasn't so close to the truth. The media - from mainstream news reporting to the true crime podcast craze - has much to answer for. The wish to protect your kids is understandable and maybe in the old days people were naive about the dangers that do exist. But something has surely been lost along the way.

Very true. The mainstream news reports stories it knows will shock and draw in viewers like criminal cases, murders, pedophiles, etc. With social media these stories get circulated even more. People feel scared about everything anymore because of this.

Yep, the internet amplifies everything, good and - especially, it sometimes seems - bad. But most kids are pretty bulletproof, and yours are lucky to have someone with perspective to guide them through: good luck to you all.

PS I notice that by an odd coincidence you are involved with the @steemiteditors team. I'm interested in joining and because the Discord link had expired sent a message to @sweetpea via my wallet. No reply yet - not that my expression of interest necessarily called for one - so not sure whether it's been seen. Not that it really matters. I have yet to start posting, so can't apply for a while. Just wanted to plant myself on the radar.

Hello friend @marxrab, I also grew up in a small town and I think that this way of raising children is very healthy, and to express more freely our personality, why?
Because the upbringing of children in the city prevents them from coming into contact with the environment more frequently, with animals that are not normally seen in the city, in addition to the foods they consume go through processes that do not occur in the villages , my parents We still have an area of ​​land where we visit sometimes and I see that my daughter does not stop running, laughing, jumping, playing, screaming, etc. I observe that my daughter is electrified with all her cousins ​​and friends of the place and that make happy.
There are also dangers but somewhat different, as you mention in this article, as evil people, but on a lower scale, but much lower, however, as parents we do not stop worrying and being attentive at all times, I believe that God is In Us, therefore, the father's love is different from all the feelings that exist.

Freedom in children is not bad, rules allow to keep certain things separate, children learn and act, education comes from home, education is not the same as now, however, representatives must be sure of what they teach to their children by giving them confidence. I always played in the patio of lacasa and I am an independent, professional and good principle person. Everything is in the way children grow and learn, obviously there are dangers in the streets, everything has a limit and we must know when to put them.

I see the old times with now look much different. It used to be almost never even heard of child predators and murders. But today it looks so strange, it even happens in every region. Sometimes from his own family who became the child's predator. What a pity these things are.

I realize that the freedom of playing at a young age is great with little monitoring from parents. But I think from the problems of child predators, kidnappings, human sales and murder. The government implements regulations not allowing children to play outside unattended.

Hello @marxrab, I perceive what you feel with your children and the freedom that you must give them, I was a very young mother of a girl and two boys and did not take my eyes off them, at any time. But you know the protection is not a good ally of children because they grow insecure of themselves. It must be horrible to live in the kind of countries where parents are supervised more than their children.

I find it bizarre that in some areas that kids cannot play outside on their own when I was a kid growing up that’s what I did all the time, times sure have changed and in many ways not for the better

I was a free-range kid, back in the 80's and lived to tell the tale! We did have a big, fuzzy companion to keep us out of too much trouble, though. He was a cross between a springer spaniel and a coonhound, smart, and protective.