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RE: cigarettes

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

Such is the ignorance of this type of people, that it is not enough for them to hurt themselves, but that they are dedicated to hurting others with these actions of the bad citizens, you are very sencible to write about these matters, I agree with you, @marx, keep sharing.


Think of it this way. We are educated day in and day out about the effects of smoking cigarettes, yet people still continue to do it knowing that it will kill them. Isn't this an act of self harm and an act of personal hate for something they dislike about themselves?
I feel that it stands to reason that most smokers have some sort of thing from their past or something about their self that they dislike, so they choose to smoke and wither away..
A lot of the smokers I know also have no regard for other human beings and seem to hate pretty much most people they see on the streets until they get to know them to confirm their previous hate for those people. I think this stems from some sort of teaching our society engrains into school children that, "smoking is rebellious and people who smoke are bad." so they act the part rather than trying to be friendly and be good people. It is really sad to see 😷