10 Writing Prompts for Teens

Some fun, some serious. Here are 10 creative writing prompts for fun, creativity, enlightenment, and thought.

1. Describe a place from an unusual point of view or vantage point, such as:
  • Your bedroom from your cat’s viewpoint
  • Tell the story from an old painting in a museum
  • Your neighborhood from the vantage point of an eagle
  • A windy mountain highway from the point of view of your car
  • Your living room from the vantage point of long lost toy under the couch
  • The refrigerator from the viewpoint of a forgotten bowl of leftovers
  • Your backyard looked at by your dog
  • A grocery store from the perspective of a can of tuna
  • The perspective of a three thousand year old tree
  • Or, create your own!

2. The Change

Think of a time when you saw or experienced something or was told something by someone that totally changed your perspective. What was it, how was this profound, and why did it have such a powerful impact on you?

3. What is the most difficult thing you must overcome right now?

Write about it, why it is hard, and what steps do you need to take to overcome this challenge. Identify who can help. Make a plan to begin now.

4. Monster Sympathy

Think of the worst person ever. It could be someone you know (or know of) in real life or a fictional character from a film or book. Write their story. Why do they do the things they do? What turned them into such a monster? After you write their backstory, do you feel more sympathetic toward them?

5. Friday! Good to see you!

Describe the days of the week as if they are people.

6. Describe your perfect reality.

How do you live each day, what are some of the things you do? Do you live in a different neighborhood? Are your parents driving different cars? Describe the places you go and clothes you wear and foods you eat. Have your friends changed? Listening to different music? Really dive in to all aspects of how your life would change and write about the perfect life!

7. Time travel has been invented.

You go back to an important time in history where something devastating happened to stop it. Once there, you find it was done for a very, very good reason. Write about it.

8. Once Upon a Time...

Write your life now as a fairy tale. Embellish- your favorite teacher is a dragon. Your mom is a handmaid. Your dog is the prince. Get creative!

9. All About You.

What character traits do you admire about yourself? What character traits do others admire about you? Why are they different?

10. Think about something dangerous or unwanted that you do.

It could be a bad habit, a drug, or something you want to change within yourself. Write a letter to that thing. For instance, if it is a drug write a letter to the drug itself. Describe how important it has become to you, the things you have done for this drug, how it has hurt you and/or others, what baggage the drug has brought with it into your life, and anything else you feel the drug should know. This will bring it into focus for you and bring a deeper understanding of why you do the things you do. Very helpful for introspection and growth.

Writing is one of the most powerful things you can do, and it is helpful for many things. Whether you do it for fun, to express yourself, as an exercise in personal growth or for profound healing, just do it! Write for ten minutes every day!

~ 10 Writing Prompts for Teens by @ArbitraryKitten

Images via Unsplash.com


The Cute Picture You're Not In
Typically this requires an "aw you two look great" or "so cute! Hope it was a fun night, we will certainly have to meet sometime! "Also translated into either" I probably still had more fun than you "or" Why was not invited? "