Second Thoughts
I've been gone for a very long time and I haven't posted any update on my blogs for a while. Sorry about that. Busy schedule at school and my other obligations. Also, I haven't felt very good lately. You know, all that depression and stuff.
I want to be an influencer. I want to help people even in a simple way such as this but I'm having second thoughts. This is another reason why I haven't posted for a while. There is a lot of things that are wrong in this world but as an 18-year old teenager I can't really say much. For all I know, I might share misleading information. That's a possibility that I fear. If I will cause more damage than I can repair then I should just stop. Still, I want to raise my voice and be heard by few. I pray to God that He guides me.
Just a side note. I just turned 18 this March. :)