Culinary at Sea Part.1


The International Recipes of Arts Present some plates from my journey at the end of Europe Season.

“You cannot get an influence from the cuisine of a country if you don’t understand it. You’ve got to study it.” – Chef Ferran Adria


These photos are from some of the kitchen dishes I worked on, the kitchen was well-spaced and we were in more than 50 people working to serve more than 3,000 people a day for 7 months.


The Star Fruit is a native fruit from India, rich in calcium, phosphorus and iron, but not only, it contains vitamins A, C and B complex. It is a fruit full of benefits, strengthens the immune system and helps fight A fever and stimulates the appetite, all about it the large amount of oxalic acid that contains its composition.


My name is Gustavo Pasquini, I am from São Paulo, Brazil, I am a Cuisine Chef and here is where I will start writing my journey on the Cruise Ship FASCIONASA .


My itinerary will begin in Brazil for 3 month’s and then I will go to Spain, Italy and France . I will write all the experience in said of the ship and 1 time per Week I will be on the ground to get some pictures, videos at each city I stop. I will bring on the post at my blog typical food and the best recipes from the city’s, interesting techniques, costumed.

The first city I will travel to will be Santos so that the first post will be about all the food & Recipe from Santos, São Paulo – Brazil .


Main Course Book

The Main course book is a collection of recipes based on meat fish and pork ingredients. They also include Duck, Pigeon and Veale delicacies for special moments.