3 Things to do in how NOT to complain about life!

in #steemitlife2 years ago

Hello everyone! I am back in Steemit after how many years. I would try to write and share it to the world again, and as always I felt at ease when I do this. Even though I am not the best writer out there but sharing bits of information about things makes me really calm and as what I have said-at ease.

Five days ago, I tried writing at Hive and testing the waters again and now, I have come to Steemit to truly immerse into the environment again.

I will share how yesterday's homily, is a good story to share to everyone.
Over the course of the pandemic, I had been away from the church literally as I am afraid of getting into the crowd and being sick. And since last month, I have been trying my best to go to Sunday masses again.

Yesterday, the priest talked about things on how to not complain about life.
Complaining about things is surely a nature of a man. I am sure I am not the only one who is bringing something heavy in my heart and in my life but here are the three things to do in order to gain a great perspective on things instead of complaining about the things that are happening in our lives.



Something that is easy to say and do but oftentimes harder to live by. There are truly a lot of things we can say our gratefulness into and most of the time, it is more than the fingers of our hands but to truly be grateful is to live by it. To feel what are grateful for and to appreciate that there is so much more to life than the problems and challenges we are facing.

Today, I am grateful that I am breathing, my family is healthy, we have food and water, we have a house where we can keep our things and I have a room where I have my own privacy.

Often times things like these are forgotten but when we say how grateful we are, we internalize it and live by it then that is how we do not complain about the things we lack but rather appreciate what we have.


Looking for your "why". As the priest had said, the purpose of your being, the why or the reason why you do things, and whom are you doing it for. As for me, in my 22 years of existence, a quarter of it is asking and looking for my purpose. I will admit, I haven't seen the whole picture of it.

Just last year, I realized that to find my purpose is to look around for the people that meant great to me and then, I understood the huge role I am playing in someone else's life. Because when I was young, I thought having that sense of purpose would mean touching a million people's lives but when at this age, even one person is enough to say you have worked on your purpose and have served others with it.


This last step may be very subjective but for practicing Roman Catholic or Christian religion. this is the last and most important part of how to not complain about life.

Talking to God through prayers can do great wonders and as long as we are faithful to him, we will be able to succeed in any of our endeavors.


Thank you for reading up until this part and hopefully you can also share the things that helps you on how to live life with gratefulness.