Steemit Photo Challenge #8 entry 2

Entry #2... The great race!

This is my second entry into the steemit photo challenge. My twins racing each other on a never ending boardwalk! The best part about this photo was the loooong sleep they had afterwards! Photo taken on my family camera, a sony cybershot with my first class skills aka... auto setting!


awesome picture :) i followed you ..perhaps u look at my blog and u find some graffiti that u like! <3 kalipo

Hey, yeah I love a great graff shot! I will check it out! Thanks for your comment, it was just one of the day trips I made with the kids so I could get out of the house!

Thank you for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much

Thanks, I hope it meets the requirements of the challenge. I am on my Learner plates! Thanks for your comment.