Steemit Photo Challenge #14 Entry 1 - Autumn Foliage

Fall, leaves, fall  

By Emily Brontë       

Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;    

Lengthen night and shorten day;    

Every leaf speaks bliss to me    

Fluttering from the autumn tree.    

I shall smile when wreaths of snow    

Blossom where the rose should grow;    

I shall sing when night’s decay    

Ushers in a drearier day.


What kind of lense did you use? Interesting perspective :)

The very common 18-22mm that comes with the Nikon D3000. Thanks ☺

Wow, absolutely my favorite at the moment!

Thank you! ☺

The perspective is kind of intimidating, almost to the point of scary as if the trees are going to close down on the viewer.

That's for the feel I get; my appreciation is that it's a damn pretty picture!

Hahaha, that could be the beginning of a scary story. The evil trees or something 😊 Very interesting remark, they actually do look like that. Thank you! ☺

Pretty and scary at the same time: strange combination, isn't it? :-)

Very :) But not uncommon - beautiful things are often scary. Think of the lightning, the darkness, sky at night, mermaids, full moon, and I don't know what else.

It is something unusual in such colors.

The picture was not edited at all, and the colors is how they looked in reality. Autumn comes with such delightful views indeed.

Yes, and it is great!