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RE: How to Become a Steemit Whale.....

in #steemitschool7 years ago

The only way to become a whale is to take a $100,000 and invest it in Steem. Then, power it up. Other than that, I think the chances are slim to none. You always lose money on bid bots, and it is highly unlikely you will make up the loss with votes from minnows and plankton.


EXACTLY!!! Soooooo...... Just like Wall Street, no matter what you do, the power remains with the 1%

1 unfucker badge tiny.jpg

WAIT!!! .... am I suppose to upvote myself now so that I can make $.14 cents?

.... guess I'll go check "the Rules"


I actually have started upvoting even some of my own comments :D

Haha. I $0.26 upvote your irony.

and I truly appreciate all 26 pennies :D


And some more ❤️

and please, accept my 12 pennies to say thank you !!

Hahahah. I’d best not upvote again. I’m sure I’ll be infringing some ethics. 😂😂😂

Yeah you should upvote your own posts because that increases your visibility.

Poor dim @mathiasian's certainly not going to get rich downvoting my every post / comment. PMSL. The boy's lost the plot. :D