100 Days of Poetry / Day 16 - Nothing / Ništa - Original poetry / art

in #steemitschoolpoetry7 years ago (edited)

- Nothing -
Original poem by
Mr. Spacely

Misty, as it can be,
morning yawned over the mountain.
Who are we in this life? I wondered
while the bright egg yolk shined.

Why are we here,
I asked aloud.
Leave me! Just for a second.
Alone I want to be,
my energy is a nomad.

How can I exist in two places?
At the same time, I'm here.
Who are we without our minds,
bathing in the moonlight of our past?

Are we ant in the Cosmos, a killer in a courtroom or
a lover without love?
Who are we now?

- Ništa -
Original poem by
Mr. Spacely

Maglovito, jedino kako može i biti,
jutro je zijevnulo preko planine.
Tko smo mi u životu ovom? Pitao sam se
dok je sjajno svijetlo sjajilo iz tmine.

Zašto smo ovdje,
Pitao sam naglas.
Ostavi me samog! Samo na trenutak.
Takav želim biti,
moja energija je nomad.

Kako mogu postojati na dva mjesta?
Kada istovremeno sam ovdje.
Tko smo mi bez naših umova,
dok se kupamo na mjesečini naše prošlosti?

Jesmo li mrav u kozmosu, ubojica u sudnici ili
ljubavnik bez ljubavi?
Tko smo sada?

Original Poetry and Art
Mr. Spacely

Sometimes, something is nothing :D

Anyway, thank you all for stopping by. I will appreciate any feedback. Feel free to speak your mind, I'm open to all suggestions and critics, and I will take time to think about them seriously.
Once again, thanks for the support!

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Ummm , excellent my friend! Every day better one! Like it a lot! Especially CRO version ;) Vrh

Jesmo li mrav u kozmosu, ubojica u sudnici ili
ljubavnik bez ljubavi?
Tko smo sada?

Thanks bro! Yeah, I'm trying but it seems it's harder and harder to translate... :( Anyway, I posted 16th poem in a row so I am satisfied!

You are a great writer, lovely poetry:)

Thanks dear :)

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Who were we yesterday, who are we now, who are we tomorrow? It's different every millisecond. Another awesome poem from you :)

So many questions, so many answers, so little time :) Thanks for your supportive words!

That's the first time that I'm actually reading your poem!

The beginning is really catchy, with the yawning morning, I felt warm... I physically felt myself in bed under a blanket that is keeping the warmth of my body.

And the final questions seemed odd to me at first:
Are we ant in the Cosmos (so tiny and meaningless), a killer in a courtroom (so guilty) or
a lover without love (so desperate)? I love this strong ending that leaves us with an open-ended question...

Thank you @liverussian for stopping by :D I'm glad my poem gave you some feelings and it made you think...

Much love, Luka.