Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #3

in #steemitultimatechallenge7 years ago (edited)

How Steemit changed my life

Interesting. I should start by saying that the Steemit change in my life is still ongoing! So, how Steemit changed and is changing my life and indeed our lives: because my Steemian and steeming wife @temitopebanks is also here (see our picture below) and our baby who's now 33 weeks in the womb already love Steemit by the way he kicks anytime (which is pretty much every time) my wife is on Steemit. Lol.

We all 'live' on Steemit now -Papa, mama and baby in the womb!


Baby pictures in a few weeks. I promise.

First, I really celebrate @dobartim for organizing this contest and also appreciate everyone who has donated thus far: @aidasfg, @flysky, @utomobong, @fadhila, @udembahenry, @aquaculture, @aidasfg7 and others.

Life Communications, Live Changes

By the way, @dobartim, do you like babies? 😁

Hmmmmnnn...every father, especially 'expectant daddies' on Steemit can relate to my "hmmmmmnnn" because it can be quite overwhelming financially for your first baby especially if you live in a country like mine where accessing basic necessities like quality healthcare is, to say the least, almost nonexistent.

Thanks to Steemit and the time I discovered it -which was last December when we had just realized that my wife's health insurance which covers antenatal and delivery is no longer available because the company where she works is now defaulting on payment. Yes, the company is struggling financially but the real question is: where do we (my wife and I) go from here?! We are a young couple, it's our fifth year and we've been expecting this baby! Only to be told that we'll no longer have access to healthcare because of the company's default...then came Steemit into our lives and we made 2 decisions:

1. To do our best possible on Steemit and see if we can make enough SBD to even get the baby born in the US or Canada -where healthcare is both quality and accessible (provided one has the funds). We are still working on that goal and looks like we still have a long way to go and baby's EDD is 05/04/2018 [5th April, +/- 2Weeks]


With this ultimate contest...who can tell whether this dream can be a reality! 🙏🙏🙏

2. Secondly, we decided to help at least 1000 people within 1 year to discover and leverage the Steemit Platform @steemit and other Decentralized Apps (DApps) built or being built on the Steem blockchain...for example, I have used and love @zappl, @dtube, @dmania and I'm looking forward to more (we are planning to even build ours @globalgivinggame) and give the Steem community more fun and fortunes!

So, for our second goal, we created Steemit Incubator: a mobile-based platform to help anyone get started on Steemit, we also help them structure, scale and succeed. With this group, it has been a privilege and honour to have been a part of the success stories of some great people like @tolusedove who told me about this challenge and mentioned us in this post.

Other members of our Steemit Incubator include @earlalright @eoghale22 @jglowsinger @kay4real @toebhy @ugwudenis @visionufuah @rabiuaudu @intimatesecrets @jeraldineesozie @sungbojus @iamdayosamuel @kaynosh @onenecha @princessyinxie @admielconcept @stephenade @patajayi @virtuousmercy @adetoons and many more.

I agree with the philosophy of the 'Wolf of Steemit', @stellabelle to leverage Steemit to help as many people as possible.

I am also grateful for the amazing people I have met in my Discord communities @minnowbooster @CoinHawk @locke @bulleth @alexpmorrie and those in @steemstem @dexterdev @anarchyhasnogods @abmakko @azizbd @pearlumi (who made me know about Steem STEM)

We have also hosted a Facebook LIVE with @tojukaka to expose members of our Steemit Incubator to how they can optimize their Steemit experience and guess what, we got @surpassinggoogle too. It was an amazing night and I wrote a post about it here.

Looking forward to hosting @dobartim sometimes in the future. We'll be blown away for sure.

So far, it's been an awesome experience and the testimonials sometimes make me cry (secretly) as people are able to buy their first/a new smartphone from their SBD, others have had to use their SBD to pay for their children school fees, yet others are using their earnings to augment their brick and mortar businesses -these kind of testimonials make me want to help more people discover Steemit. We currently mentor 64 Steemians and the group is growing every week...even as we prepare for our baby. There's still a whole lot to buy but GOD has been faithful and my wife is getting cuter by the day.


Financially, Steemit has changed our lives because we are able to do a few things this early January (remember we just joined Steemit in December and it was a tough period for us financially and do you know that even in the midst of that, incurable givers that we are, on Christmas day 2017 we cooked jollof rice (y'all need to eat my wife's jollof) and fried chicken...served all our neighbours until we realized nothing was left and we had to eat beans! It was a great Christmas anyway. Lol.

Fast forward 2 weeks later, I cashed out my first SBD from my introduction post and took my wife out for Pizza, Chicken and Ice Cream. Yummy!!! I wrote about it in this @dtube Vlog


Ha, will the baby be fat like our neighbour's baby in the picture below? Watch out!


Education Communications:

In terms of "education", Steemit has changed my life in 2 ways:

  1. By the diversity and depth of content I find on this platform, some you stumble on...some you just fall in love with the author and you want to devour everything they've written. Can you believe I currently have about 20 tabs opened on my phone of every blog @dan has ever written on his github blog.. I love the way he thinks man!

I also secretly enjoy posts from @jerrybanfield @steemstem @crypt0 and to be honest, I learnt a whole lot whenever @haejin and @berniesanders are sparring!

Also, academically, earnings from Steemit made it possible for me to have enough money to go to and from the examination centre for a 2-weeks exams I just finished 3 days ago on Saturday, 10th February, 2018

Financial communications:
The golden words of @surpassinggoogle:


constantly plays in my head. I have always believed that it's not about the size of our wallets but really about the size of our hearts and in fact, the primary philosophy of @globalgivinggame is that:

You don't have to give; you give to have!

So, even if I haven't made a fortune yet on Steemit, I see myself, my wife and baby as whales (lol) and I'd rather start giving all I can to as many as I can...until the whale in me emerges!
Steemit, the concept and the community as whole, have reinforced my belief in, and love for giving.

**Business communications: **
In terms of business, I have introduced some of my business coaching clients to Steemit already but I am looking forward to meeting partners on Steemit (I guess I might have to check out so we can create and deliver the plans we have for #TheGlobalGivingGame on the Steem blockchain

And to the minnows who love to whine, you may like my post: It's Not Steemit That Makes You Rich.

Wow, you read till this point? Thank you, thank you and thanks to @ned and @dan for starting all this. It's their good fault that we all have to be writing our true life stories hoping to inspire and empower someone while we also get inspired and empowered by others. I love Steemit. Thank you @dobartim for this challenge. We love y'all forever


## Everyone on Steemit should participate in this Ultimate Challenge by @dobartim, just click the link below:


This deserve a resteem

This is a beautiful write up. Your wife is beautiful too.

Awwww....thanks a lot @adedoyinwealth you're pretty too. Yeah right

Wow! This is such an inspiring post @fifebanks oh how steemit has changed your life. Congratulations to you and your wife.

Thanks a lot Evelyn @evarich I just followed you and upvoted your last post

I am very jelous and eager to understand this platform amd be like you. With people like you, we are blessed to have relevant instruction and leadership. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Lol @rabiuaudu please don't be jealous ooo. We can't wait for you to share your Steemit millionaire testimony. Well done

Awesome! Inspiring as usual. I'll check out the contest. Thanks @fifebanks.

Thanks @sungbojus We celebrate you sir.

Wow! Such an inspiring post. Congratulations to you @fifebanks and @temitopebanks.

Thanks a lot dear @jeraldineesozie, How have you been?

very educative and a great motivation to me.i need to buckle up and face steemit straight on.
yeah, i can see pizza.