Introducing the Steemitworldmap Geotagging! 📍🌍
Hello dear blog readers and Steemians,
many Steemit members already know the Steemitworldmap, a great tool to tag your articles on a Worldmap for Steemit members on Google Maps basis and I want to introduce this nice feature for all new Steemit users.
The Steemitworldmap website is a helpful feature for the Steemit community, because all Steemit member can tag photos of visited places on the map and the posts can be found on by others.
This means for example that the Steemit articles are receiving another backlink, which is one important factor for Google rankings and your posts can reach more people in long-term etc...
This is how you can tag a post with a photo of a place on the Steemitworldmap:
Write the name of the place, street, city etc. in the search box above, or click on the navigation button at the right site in the search box, if you are at the place where the photo in your post was taken. Then click on the place on the map where you have taken the photo in you Steemit post, or where the story of an article was taking place for example and copy the code in the down in the middle of the Steemitworldmap website.
Now you can paste the code anywhere in the article which you want to tag in the Steemitworldmap and your Steemit article will be added to the Steemitworldmap. You will also receive a comment by the @steemitworldmap account under the post, after your article is linked to the map.
You also have your own profile link with only your tagged posts on the map:
In the moment I have tagged more posts outside of my home country and Berlin is a very big city, so that I got the idea to make a "Geotagging-Mission Berlin" for myself to collect great shots of Berlin to tag them on the Steemitworldmap. Stay tuned for updates. 👍
Greetings from Berlin and hear you everyone!
Jonas Ahrens @future24
Badgets by - Thanks to @arcange!
My Steepshot Profile | Google Play Download
Have you already tested the alternative Steemit interface, with additional features to the post editor?

Awesome tool! Full upvote from me :-)
Thank you for your visit & feedback @surfermarly and greetings from Berlin!
Hi @future24 (Jonas),
zuerst einmal vielen Dank für #steemitworldmap, eines meiner Lieblingstools hier bei steemit.
Mir ist bei der Benutzung aufgefallen, daß
Es wäre wünschenswert, wenn es eine etwas detailliertere Einführung (einschließlich der Hinweise auf die o.g. Probleme) zum Einpflegen der Fotografien gäbe.
Auf die Möglichkeit, Fotobeschreibungen auch nach der Veröffentlichung innerhalb von 7 Tagen korrigieren zu können, könntet Ihr auch noch hinweisen.
Ich hätte gerne schon eine deutschsprachige Einführung zur steemitworldmap geschrieben, aber da ich derzeit nicht genau weiß, wie das Parsing exakt funktioniert, halte ich meine Finger still, bis ich genug zu wissen glaube.
Hast Du vielleicht noch weitere Informationsquellen (deutsch, englisch, spanisch), die ich noch nicht kenne, für mich?
buenisimo me gusto