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RE: My Two Year Steemiversary & SteemPress News


I didn't realise you are a slightly "younger" Steemian than I! Hahaha! Auspicious day, September 22nd...

Congratulations on your anniversary and on making this space yours and on a great post. I like your referral graphic. I'm suggesting that @fredrikaa and @howo consider something similar for other users and I may borrow the idea to create my own.

Congratulations again and hoping the bunch of backroom stuff soon sorts itself out.

Posted using Partiko Android


Funny, I don't often get called the "younger" one these days, @fionasfavourites! 😂

And thank you so much! When you have a sec, check out the referral program channel on Discord - I uploaded the banner there, and told everyone to feel free to download and use it. 😊

Much appreciate the good thoughts as well. 🤗

Hahaha! Me neither!

I shall look in the referral channel. I have been a little distracted with off-Steemit stuff...

Posted using Partiko Android