Since I became a member of STEEMJET I understood what it means be selfless, and also learnt how to impact positively in others lives, theses our features of our forerunner @dimimp.
Working in a team can be great fun, you feel part of something bigger, accomplish more, learn new skills from others and even learn a lot about yourself. STEEMJET community is the best, thanks to all members and I'll advise you to join this family if you aren't here already. Talking of cryptocurrency, I knew nothing about it even as at when I joined steemit, I never knew of this life changing something until I met @dimimp who changed my life and encouraged me to study crypto. Well, I was ready to do anything for money then, LOL. I had to set my mind towards that because MIND SET matters a lot, I was ready to give in my all to understand crypto and how to invest at the right time on the right coin... Well, it was a success, after lots of study and lessons from dimimp.
But I refuse to succeed along, I choose to carry everyone alone especially the broke youths around. I told @dimimp I want to organise a cryptocurrency awarenwss progam in my school UNIVERSITY OF UYO, NIGERIA because it hurts me when I see broke youths when the answer to needs is right in the air, in front of them, all the need is someone to point and show it to them.
After I made the request to @dimimp and stated the amount needed for the exercise to hold, @dimimp didn't hesitate nor said anything outside what I asked, he provided the funds. Like I said before, he's our forerunner, our MENTOR.
It was a success, the turn up was huge, 150 above in attendance, organisation was perfect.
All the speakers I contacted where present.
Special thanks to @samstickkz for all his presentations and all other people who where there.
Also, the STEEMJET media. Those guys ate amazing, there where right behind me. There got the whole event covered.
There make their report as soon as possible.
The summary of the event; IT WAS A SUCCESS, everyone went back home happy.
My session.
@samstickzz session.
@dannytroniz session
@Utin Peter's session
@empato365 sessions
@Lifeofdalington session
MC Rich with comedy.
The Airdrops king.
Refreshments session.
The STEEMJET media is going to post the remaining stories once it's ready.
Global adoption is our aim.
We're achieving it..
A step at a time.
I'm grateful it was a success, and to every one who stood beside me to make it great,thanks so much especially @dannytroniz, @folly-pandy, @nicebassey, @justubong, @lifeofdarlington and other..
This is the 1st time and it was so successful, who knows, maybe I could organise the same thing for my country next time... smiles
That's so much @Dimimp
Thanks for your time...
Lol... I'm confused!
Hahahahhahahaahahahhahha boss what's this??
ahh fame.. she is like the Ocean
Hey sir i m new here ...pls help me in order to get rewards
Wow nice one Boss.....And yes you did it. You're a leader. Thanks for the vision you had reaching out to others and letting them know of the great opportunities found in steemit and steemjet. I feel really bad for not been present yesterday but won't fail to be in attendance when such a priviledge comes up again. Gratitude sir and i pray more wisdom fall on you...
Welcome aboard steemjet
Thank you very much sir.
It was a success... All thanks to God almighty and @dimimp for taking Steemjet to a higher level.
proud of my friend, you and the rest of the steemjet pioneers did great. Am really proud to be a member of these community.
You are a born leader, a motivator, a pioneer in every aspects of life. Live strong and see the beauty steemjet is creating in the lives of people.
Never thought, such ever existed but am a blessing and a testimony. Am really grateful and happy that I attended. Steemjet forever live bro!! @deandaniel

Am glad that I was oppurtuned to me @samstickzz, @deandaniel, @empato365, @folly-pandy, and the rest not mentioned. Stay strong guys
Thanks so much bro, for coming from such a far distance.
Dear Lord, we thank you for yet another day to make things right with you, we thank you for good health, sound mind, provision, protection, success in all our endeavours and above all....The gift of life.
Prayer for @dimimp
We want to specially thank you for @dimimp, the man you brought to us, despite the fact that we don't have any clue of his true identity, but he has blessed so many lives, transformed the lives of so many, helped and supported many that thought there was no hope. Without you Lord, we wouldn't have met someone like @dimimp. We pray that you strengthen him, bless him, direct him, give him good health, long life and everything he's ever asked from You.
Prayer for @steemjet
Dear Lord,
We thank you for bringing to us the name @steemjet through @deandaniel, the provision, talents, gifts, love and care you've shown to members of steemjet,the strength, enablement, to serve You, @dimimp and @steemjet, and also to serve the whole world at large. We pray you give us the grace to accomplish our goals as members of @steemjet community, and to make the world aware of steem, steemit, and @steemjet (Global Adoption).
Above all, make us ambassadors for You, steemit and @steemjet. For all these we ask In Jesus Name.... Amen!!
On the wings of superstars, we are words and steem.
This is wonderful @deandaniel,you really did a nice and good job
Together we can make it.
More wisdom bros.
Thanks man...
Bless you.
Hi @deandaniel
Great initiative buddy. Steemit needs people like you. Respect!
I just accidently bumped into your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests :)
In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)
big fat upvote on the way! :)
I will follow you closely :)
Take care, Piotr
Thanks so much..I appreciate.
Much love from crypto space force...
ThankGod I was part of this great event. I sign-up as a steemian without a mentor 2 months ago, I tried tho but nothing was coming forth the 1 month after and so I decided to pause for a while not until I was opportune to attend this program that made me to go back to my 2 months abandoned account. Well I never knew such a group/community exist @steemjet if not by now I know what I'd been able to produce because I'm a type that likes motivation and competition. A big thank you to the organizers, you've actually change the mind status of most uniuyo students and I'm one of them who is ready to succeed.
I still remain ur humble newbie in the system @Hopeovat
It was a wonderful experience. I thank you for this opportunity! I
Super impressive, I would have been there myself if not that I had a workshop a day before your events. Once I heard @samstickzz was party of the planning team, I knew it's going to be awesome.
I have tried reaching you on phone but I can't get through. We'll talk soon as I can. Keep doing the great work.
OK mate... I've heard you.